Mission Compendium Vol.3

Given the superb quality of the adventures in the previous two mission compendiums, are there plans for a third?

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The should be room for at least two…
“new life and new civilizations” and “where no man has gone before.” :sweat_smile:

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And “ongoing missions”


I think you mean “continuing mission.”

Fortunately, we already have a website called that. :innocent:


I was thinking of TOS

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Glad you liked the first two. I have several compendiums on the wish list, but TBD as to if they’ll be greenlit for development. In the meantime, I’m still working on and releasing standalone adventures in PDF format.


I for one liked them a lot. Most of the adventures capture what I want for my STA-Campaign. Perfect TNG feeling!

Great news and I’m looking forward to the Shackleton Expanse book.