Hi guys, new to the forum and the game. I recently took delivery of a few sets of minis. I’m a long time fan of the video game and am really excited to see my favourites cast into miniatures.
But OMG, the amount of flashing? Has anyone else had problems with this? Every single model has some to a lot, the supermutants and BoS power armour particularly. Cleanup is taking an age. Does anyone have any tips or a quick and easy way to remove it?
I haven’t had much of an issue with flash personally (I think most of the models have had a small amount, but nothing that I’d consider out of the ordinary). When it has occurred though, I usually find a sharp hobby knife does the job
Thanks guys. I’ve been using a toothbrush and a scalpel. But I’ve just done 7 feral ghouls and I kid you not, every one had webbed fingers. They looked like they were wearing baseball gloves. The flash was too tough to brush off, I had to slice between and scrape around more-or-less each finger with a blade …on all of em. It’s very time consuming.
Ah yeah I’d forgotten about the ghouls, they were worse than the others… I’m the sort of person who also cuts out the gaps on the laser rifles though, so I might be more used to it
I had the same issue, but not quite as bad. The pieces are sturdy enough that you can just take a cheap toothbrush to them and it should come off pretty easy.