I just got my Kickstarter pack today and we have just played our first game! Many thanks lots of fun so far!
Whilst there are some rules covering the Masters, the remainder of the above are not particularly covered off, anywhere? Are these essentially for House rules? or is there something more formal planned…
1, 2 Kung Fu
December 14, 2019, 11:49pm
Following, for same question
December 19, 2019, 11:09pm
Recent comment from Robbus on the KFP kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/modiphius/modiphius-entertainment-the-kung-fu-panda-board-ga/comments?comment=Q29tbWVudC0yNjY1ODk1OA%3D%3D
For the others who asked, I asked the creator about the rules for Shen and Kai and got this response:
“Hi there, we posted in a previous update that the extra minions and bosses in the masters set and add-ons are alternates for Tai-Lung and Wolf Boss. While there aren’t any specific extra rules for them as we didn’t hit the stretch goals for that, in the masters pack and the core box there are blank ‘make your own’ tiles and destiny dials to let players create new scenarios and playable characters for themselves. This means you can create rules and new missions for these minions and bosses as well.”
December 20, 2019, 6:55am
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