Leader: Stalker wording clarification question

Shadow ability on Stalker card states: “The Move of models activated during the same turn as the leader which start out of enemy LoS is one color longer than usual”.
Is “which” here refers to move, models or leader? Maybe it’s because english is not my native language, but without commas it’s really unclear.

That is worded poorly. My reading is that it refers to the model, since the final portion of the sentence is “is one color…” So it would be “The move [that fulfills certain conditions] is one color longer than usual.”

The “which start” is plural—if it referred to the leader, it would say “which starts”. So it must refer to the models… although it seems like “moveS of model” might be more appropriate. I’m not sure how often a model would start the turn in LoS, but then be able to start a move out of LoS. I suppose if the enemy seeing it was killed before it moved?

Anyway, I think this is the intent:

“The move, of models that are activated during the same turn as the leader and which start out of enemy LoS, is one color longer than usual.”