Large Handful of Misc Rules Questions / Clarifications

Let’s just jump right in, shall we?

  1. For close combat attacks that can spend a die effect to become an area of effect weapon (such as the Huge Club), it looks like they will also damage the attacker.

“Damage from an area effect weapon is applied to every model (friendly or not) whose base is partially or wholly caught in the area of the effect” - rulebook, pg 46

Is this intentional? It makes sense for things like grenades, less so for what is presumably supposed to be a wildly wide swing of a club.

  1. There’s a corner case where looks to be possible to gain AP during another model’s activation: defending against Battle Cry. Is there a reason you wouldn’t gain an AP if you rolled that icon? If not, would the result be that you gain 1 AP, which you must then wait to spend until the next time you activate that model?

  2. “Impassable Terrain Unless otherwise agreed, no model can move through Impassable Terrain.” - rulebook, pg 37

If you have two pieces of impassable terrain (say the corners of two buildings) less than a base width apart (say 25cm), am I correct in thinking that unless your opponent agrees, you aren’t able to move a model through that gap?

  1. Since you can’t move through the bases of enemy models, nor through impassable terrain, is it possible to engineer a situation where you’ve either surrounded an enemy or backed them into a corner, and they are not allowed to attempt to leave close combat (since they have no legal move out of base contact)?

  2. In settlement mode, how do structures that require a perk work? Do you just have to have that perk available to you (aka you paid the settlement caps cost)? Do you have to have taken the perk during the previous battle to build/use those structures during that settlement phase? And how do the perks which give a free such structure interact with this?

  3. In the Campaign handbook, the Ranger Outpost structure costs 100 caps. In the Settlement Sheet file, it’s listed at 500. Which is correct?

  4. How exactly do mission rewards work in settlement campaign mode? Some scenarios specify rewards for winners and losers, some just for winners [ex Benny’s Request, in which a minor victory is worth LESS than a default loss] and some not at all (this one is easy, you use the default). I only noticed one that specifically stated that the loser gets nothing.

  1. Huge Club does not have area of effect. The right arrow icon besides the bottle icon means that you push back the unit orange distance.
  2. If I don’t remember bad, when you defend against a Battle Cry you can leave engagement without penalty but you don’t gain a AP.
  3. I this you are right in this point.
  4. I this you are right in this point.
  5. When you purchase a perk that allows you to build some structure, from this moment you can build them. If this perk gives you an additional structure, you get it for free.
  6. Maybe @Modiphius-SteveH can clarify this point
  7. If the scenario does not specify anything about rewards, apply default rewards (defined in Camping handbook). If the scenario specify a reward, ignore default one, even if losses does not gain anything.
  1. That…makes a lot more sense. Thanks!
  2. You roll a skill test when you defend against Battle Cry, and the skill die has AP icons on it. This is, as far as I’m aware, the only way to roll a skill die outside of your activation or a quick action.
  3. So you’re suggesting the following logic?
  • if both winner and loser rewards are specified: use specified values
  • if only the winner reward is specified; use that value for the winner, loser gets nothing
  • if neither reward is specified; use the default values

“Rule Of Play”, page 40:

Gaining APs
A model may gain APs from abilities, perks (see the Campaign Handbook, p.5), and Items, as well as from dice results during their activation’s Skill Tests.

So I asume that the AP icon in the dice only apply for the skill tests of your actions.

Yes, but maybe @Modiphius-SteveH can clarify this point

Here’s another one:
What’s going on with the Cryo grenade? It’s got a blue die symbol with the iconography that rolling a nuka bottle freezes the enemy, but the whole section is just sort of floating off to the left, and not aligned with anything else.

Is this just a weird series of formatting error, and it should roll black and blue, and tthen he nuka symbol should be with the main line of effects, either before or after the target symbol? Or does it mean something else? Don’t think I’ve seen any other cards formatted similarly.

Noisy, sorry this has taken so long, but here it is.

You’re right that that is a slightly unusual one. The player rolls the black dice damage for the Throw skill roll and then (after scatter) the freezing effect is determined for each model in (or partly in) the blast area. Roll a blue dice for each model and they gain the Frozen condition if any bottle is rolled. (Bottles rolled in the main Throw skill roll do not count towards freezing.)

There was too much info for the card to fit the freezing effect underneath the usual damage details so that’s why the freezing details were placed on the right (as there is no critical effect). The blue dice isn’t part of the main Throw skill roll (i.e. rolled with the skill and black dice) as the effect is resolved separately for each model.


Hi, I think I understand how the Vertibird Signal Grenade and Artillery Smoke Grenade work, but let me know what you think:

  1. They affect “Red area around grenade” - since it says “area” rather than “range” or “radius,” that means a “diameter area effect” as shown on page 46 of the Rules of Play, right?

  2. The Heavy Weapon icon followed by a “5” means that each attack on an eligible model counts as a Heavy Weapon attack and needs a roll of 5 or lower on the white skill die to succeed, right?


That’s right. All area effects are diameter (not radius).

That’s right. Remember to include the effect dice with the white skill dice too (yellow for Vertibird Signal Gerenade and yellow+black for Artillery Smoke Grenade).

One important difference between the two is that the Vertibird will only affect unengaged models (as they won’t fire if there is a chance of hitting their own Brotherhood models).

Note that the Artillery Smoke Grenade should mention placing the counting token to show the centre of the effect. ‘to show location’ should read ‘place [counting token] to show location’.

Thanks, James! Yes, I suspected that a counting token should be placed for the Artillery Smoke Grenade, same as for the Vertibird Signal Grenade. I’ll note that on the card.

Sorry for the long list, but this seemed like the appropriate topic to ask in:

  1. On page 21 of Rules of Play it states that:

A model’s Armor Ratings are derived from one card which sets their values (often their own unit card) plus up to one card of each card type that modifies those values. A model can set which cards it is using for its Armor Ratings at the start of its activation.

Where I am getting confused is the “one card of each card type”. I would assume that this means that this does not apply to clothing because most clothing does not affect Armor Ratings. Therefore, can a model equip one of each (armor and clothing) at the same time or is this an error? Does the second part of the above rule only apply to switching armors that are in inventory?

  • If the above is true, does faction specific clothing that does affect Armor Ratings (Aviator Cap, Vault 111 Jumpsuit) then stack with armor because armor is typically worn over clothes, or does the rule apply here?
  1. Is there a limit to how many weapons and/or items may be equipped on a given model at once?

Obviously, a Caps limit will have an overall effect, but is there a hard rule that states that a model can only have so many usable weapons available at one time? For example, can I carry a primary, secondary, melee, grenade(s), molotov and mines all at once, or is it limited to a small combination of ranged, melee or thrown/mines? If the latter, are extra weapons held in the inventory and swapped during an activation or can they all be available to use as circumstance dictates (similar to how you can change weapons on the fly in the video game)? In either case, does it cost an action to switch weapons?

  1. A silly question maybe, but are Armor Mods without specified requirements still usable if you don’t have armor equipped?

For example: Lightweight has the armor symbol in the corner but it doesn’t specify that it needs to be attached to an armor card. Can it be used on its own or is it necessary that a piece of armor be equipped?

  1. Power Armor:

A model wearing Power Armor only gets one armor roll when hit, regardless of any armor worn beneath it. Before a model wearing Power Armor makes an armor roll, the player can choose to use the Armor Ratings shown on the model"s Power Armor card, instead of the model’s usual Armor Ratings.

Does this, combined with the latter part of the armor rule above, mean that if wearing armor underneath Power Armor, that I can choose to use that instead or does Power Armor automatically override any other armor?

  1. Can Power Armor, degraded or not, be “exited” and either lost or left (via a marker) for someone else to claim?

  2. Under Perks and Settlments it says:

Any Perks that do not deliver a benefit to a specific model do not need assigning to a model, e.g. Armorer, Gun Nut, Blacksmith, Local Leader.

Are these perks then in effect for the entire force?

  1. Other than slight S.P.E.C.I.A.L. adjustments, what’s the actual difference between Sole Survivor and Sole Survivor Day One? Is it just preference or is there some type of progression or other purpose between these two cards?

  2. Is the Sole Survivor Loner card only applicable to Nate or can it be used for Nora as well (and vice versa for the Sole Survivor and Soul Survivor Day One cards)?

Also, the Loner card states:

Can be included in a force containing one other Sole Survivor.

If using both, are the Sole Survivor cards (SS, Day One, Loner) then specific to Nate and Nora (according to the respective models on the cards) or are they interchangeable?

  1. Does the above only apply to the Loner card? Can both Nate and Nora be used if I don’t use the Loner card specifically?

  2. Finally, both are considered “unique”, but are also both Sole Survivors, can they then therefore share one card as a unit if equipped the same and appropriate Caps cost is taken into consideration?

Example: I want both Nate and Nora on my force, but for whatever reason don’t necessarily want either to be Day One or Loner. Both are Heroic and neither one has any perks or is a Leader. Can I just deduct the appropriate amount of caps for each one and use the standard Sole Survivor card (or a printed extra copy) or does one of them have to be Day One or Loner?

Again, apologies for the very long list. Thanks in advance for any help.

  1. “One card of each type” means precisely that. You could have one armor card, one clothing card, one leader card, one perk card, one mod card, etc etc. all affect a model’s armor rating. You can indeed have a clothing and an armor card equipped at the same time.

  2. There is not a limit.

  3. No. You can only attach a mod to the appropriate type of item.

  4. Correct, you can choose to use power armor or any other armor the model has vs a given hit (which is different than normal, where you have to decide which armor that sets your armor rating to use at the beginning of your activation).

  5. There aren’t any non scenario-specific rules for dropping items for others to pick up.

  6. Yes

  7. The Day One card is meant to represent the Sole Survivor on their first day out of the vault, while the Sole Survivor card is meant to represent them after they’ve gotten their bearings in the wasteland. It’s your preference which one you use.

  8. Nate and Nora are meant to be male and female versions of the main character from Fallout 4; you can use the models interchangably for any of the Sole Survivor unit cards. If you take both Lone Wanderer and another Sole Survivor you need to assign each model to one of those cards, but nothing’s stopping you from deciding that Nate will be your Lone Wanderer one day, and then have it be Nora for a different game.

  9. You cannot take Sole Suvivor and Sole Survivor Day One in the same force (as they represent the same person at different points in time). You CAN take Sole Survivor Lone Wanderer in the same force with one of the others, as they’re a nod to the Fallout 3 main character (I think the only reason they didn’t just call that model “Lone Wanderer” is because they didn’t want people to think they couldn’t use their Vault 111 models to represent them). HOWEVER, if you’re playing in Narrative mode and your opponent agrees it’d be pretty reasonable to say that in your version of the Fallout universe two survivors made it out of Vault 111, and thus use two Sole Survivors during a game.