Questions about the Fallout Rules/Scenarios

Me and my friend are very competitive when playing against each other, no matter how narrative the scenario is, we will try to push the rules to the edge to win. This will come up with a ton of questions about the rules that I will post here as they come up over time and hopefully get an answer to.

  1. When moving a model is a model allowed to move into base-to-base contact with another model (not charging), for either friendly or hostile models? I’m assuming yes for friendly models, but no for hostile models, but the rulebook or the FAQ has no mention of this. And if they are allowed to move into base-to-base contact are they then engaged in combat?

  2. When a model charges into combat and another model, not engaged in combat or the one being charged, reacts to the charging model by trying to shoot it. Does this count as shooting into combat or not? By reading the rules I’m assuming it does, since the reaction comes after the model’s action you’re reacting to, but I wanted to ask this question anyway since it seems like it shouldn’t be.

  3. The Defend the Farm Scenario (Pg. 35 of the Campaign Handbook) lists the following:
    “If an attacking model ends its turn touching a Investigation Marker, while no enemy model is within Orange, it can burn the crop. Remove the marker from the table.” However during the table set-up it clearly stated that the crops are the searchable markers. I think this is a typo and it should say searchable markers instead of investigation markers here.

  4. The Newshound Scenario (Pg. 36 of the Campaign Handbook) has the following win conditions:
    Does this mean that if the defender’s journalist takes 2 out of 4 markers and then gets killed, no one can win the game? Or how would this work? It does not state that the journalist carries the markers, but just removes them when in base-to-base contact with them.

  1. “When a model is in base-to-base contact with an opposing model (i.e. with bases touching), they are said to be engaged.”
    It doesn’t matter whether you moved or charged into contact. (Charge gives you the extra die on your attack against the model you charged - if it’s a larger engagement, you could feasibly hit another model when it is your turn. Say you charged a character that is in Power Armor, but another one slides into contact with you later on in the fight - you might be able to inflict more damage on the second character despite not getting the extra die.)
    So in short: yes and yes.
  2. As far as I can tell, yes. As it happens after the “Triggerer” finishes its move, you’d be shooting into a melee.
  3. Sounds like you’re right. Maybe it’ll be in a future Errata.
  4. Hyepp. That would be a tie (In my campaign I’d say both sides lose - 120 caps each)

Just to add to what Kezker said:

  1. Using Move to engage an opponent (of friendly) is fine. Using Charge to engage just gives you the bonus (and usually a slightly longer distance); however, using Move to engage has the advantage that is does not have the requirements of using Charge. So, using Move to engage means you do not need LoS before moving into engagement and you can do so even if you start your Move when engaged to a different model. Move into engagement is useful if you are around a corner from an opponent (as without LoS you could not Charge around the corner) which allows a model to leap out and attack. (The context for not being able to Charge without LoS is that the model doesn’t know exactly where their opponent is until after they are moving.)

A model can engage a friendly model (base-to-base) if you want. A model can not Charge a friendly model as Charge can only be used to engage opposing models.

  1. Kezerk is right, other models reacting to the Charge would be shooting into combat after the Charge has finished. However, also see the section ‘Reactions to a Charge’ on p. 41 as there is one exception to this: which is that if the model that was charged reacts to the model charging it by shooting then it still resolves that reaction after the charge but does not get the penalty for using a ranged weapon in close combat (just for that reaction).

  2. Yes, that should read Searchable Marker not Investigation Marker.

  3. Like Kezerk mentioned, that would be a tie (if neither player wins or loses). If it is a tie, both players get 200 caps - as you need all the help you can get in the Wasteland :slight_smile: