I see plenty of references to Germania and the “frontier town of Laurium”, and I would presume Roman Britain will be discussed. Any plans to extend the known geography beyond these places?
We’re most interested (and already homebrewing) campaigns to the east–port towns on the Adriatic Coast and further into Illyria where the hills rise wild in the Dinaric Alps. Perhaps the pseudoarchaeological theories in our contemporaneous era about the pyramid there are just a modern cover for what happened in the region two millennia ago…? Maybe that’s a place the Ahnenerbe searched for during their war because of ancient Roman texts they possessed?
Just curious about expanding the Cohors world beyond the seemingly standard areas that have been well-trodden enough for Rome to build roads to. 
At Dragonmeet Chris talked about a range of regional sourcebooks.
So far we know of:
- AEgyptus
- Britannia
- Syria
- Rome
I am assuming we may also see Hispania, Illyria & Gaul books as well to cover the main regions that the Roman Empire occupied, but those wern’t mentioned directly.
I think the sweet spot is places you are familiar with, do that you don’t have to make too much up and the mythos elements will stand out as a contrast to the ‘normal’ history that you’ll have some familiarity with as a player. If you push that too far then you lose that value.
But I imagine they’ll publish what well buy…
I hope that there is a solid grounding in the history and geography of the region that they are covering, rather than an excess of mythos content. There is huge dramatic potential within the Roman Empire which I suspect most of us don’t realise (it’s not all ‘I Clausius’, ‘Rome’ and ‘Carry on Cleo’). As I mentioned elsewhere (apologises for repeating) I ran a Cthulhu-Rome mini-campaign set in 119AD. In researching it, I ‘discovered’ the Kitos War, that occurred a couple of years earlier than the setting, which I was possibly vaguely aware of before, but knew no details of, and which I was able to draw on. This helped make the Roman Empire setting seem like a living thing, where situations could and would change, and not just, ‘It’s Cthulhu, but we have swords not guns’.