Step 4-7 starting with darker skin tones paint up to the eyes bringing the surface area closer to an eyeball shape.
Very nice. I got more than one set of the X-01, and I absolutely loved that they had more than one head choice. I’ve been using the spares to headswap a couple of Brotherhood of Steel power armor models just this evening.
You planning to actually do anything with your spare heads? Or you just showing off the painting tips and discarding them to the bitz bin?
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Well I was thinking of using them to add to a super mutants gore bag but I might need a few more body parts too make it.
I like the subtle rust/dirt effects on the X-01 armour, and the attention to detail on the laser rifle’s power cell is really cool!
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Thanks. I used a really watered down brown and let it run into the recesses to get that effect.