I’ve just ordered the Conan’s bundle and I’m reading the PDF. While browsing Modiphius’ website I noticed that there were two waves consisting in bundles for various supplements. Unfortunately they are out of stock but I could order every single product separately. Does this mean that once you miss a wave it’s over or may I expect some kind of « reload » ^^
They have had difficulty keeping the books in stock. You might want to look into picking up the books a la carte instead of buying the entire wave bundle. Alternatively I think there are full wave pdf bundles on drivethru as well.
I did post to the forum but actually I understand the question was more to the staff than to the forumites.
I did order the “wave 1” ala carte ^^, and I’ll probably be doing the same for wave 2.
I’ve just gone all in with something similar with my own ‘Starter Bundle’ as I found some products with reductions while in lockdown… Core, Player’s Guide, GM screen, dice set (took some time to secure those bad boys ), Horrors of…, Pirate sourcebook, Barbarian sourcebook. I will begin cracking them open on Easter Sunday as my present to myself.
I have written a list of my next few purchases in preference order: Conan the Mercernary, … the Brigand, … the Thief, Ancient Ruins, Skelos and finally Nameless Cults… yes Modiphious…TAKEMYMONEY.