So, to prove stuff is moving along, I received a print proof of the corebook,
which I dutifully cut up and assembled to make sure all the pages were correct etc.
As you are all groovy people, I thought you might like to get a sneak preview.
Although do bear in mind the final version won’t have been cut up in my living room with the kitchen scissors and inexpertly folded!
I did pick a few pages that you will find especially interesting though
■■■, you are quite right. Somewhat too late to stop the presses though but I’ll make a note.
However, we did spot the Awareness mistake in the preview before it hit the Corebook. It should actually be Discipline.
There is however 3 further sections detailing the precise difference between ‘walking briskly’ with scissors and ‘running’ with scissors. ‘Jogging’ is under review in a committee.
So, PDFs should be on their way.
It may take a while for the system to send all of them out (there are a lot) so please be patient with the team if you’ve not seen an email yet.
(but obviously drop us a line if you’ve not seen something in the next day to two)
In the meantime the Heighliner brought more awesomeness to my desk.
(I honestly can’t believe I’m looking at a real copy at last! )