Homebrew Thread - New MC materials

In this thread I will post new materials that I have created, some have already been shared on the old forum, some will be new. In any case this is a labor of love for the setting and the incredible world it offers.
The materials will be posted sorted by category in PDFs, for ease of access and transparency. I will try to upload the old files as fast as possible, but I might be forced to repost the links in new posts to update them.

Feedback is always appreciated.

Hombrew thread index v.1

Character creation:

Bauhaus New Noble Families v. 1
Capitol Regional Origin v. 1
Imperial New Clans v. 1


Military (Basic) career variants v. 1

Imperial New Careers & Equipment v. 1


Dark Eden Armor v. 1
Trishula Weapons v. 1


The dreaded ā€œedit lockā€ has happened, so I have to continue here. Iā€™m not going to repost the old links, just add the new ones here. The Imperial career document has some typo corrections and Hurricane Walker load outs I forgot to add before.


Bauhaus New Careers & Equipment v. 1

Capitol New Careers & Equipment v. 1

Imperial New Careers & Equipment v. 2

Mishima New Careers & Equipment v. 1

PS: As there is very little Iā€™ve done for Cybertronic and Whitestar Iā€™m going to put them in one file.


I would like for some one to help med find errors in my new character sheets. Iā€™ve made the fillable, and TABā€™ed, but sometimes weird things happen when you make a PDF file. Iā€™m new to this forum so Iā€™m not allowed to upload files yet, if you want to check them out pls contact me and Iā€™ll find a way to share them.
Iā€™ll probably use MS One Drive for this.


Material looks really good. Iā€™m going to do some playtests with some of this.

Great work, thanks !

Capitol link is wrong, should be: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b3FUIqzLu7KMOa9_XY4nZiGhSpTYCsfc/view?usp=sharing


Thanks. Sadly the edit lock happened and I canā€™t change the link.

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