Hit location dice, worth it?

My players and I find it a little tedious to always refer to the hit location table. Was thinking of getting some hit location dice. Do you use them? Are they easy to read?

Technically they are important in order to know if the location is protected or not and in order to sacrifice your armor. Personally I’ve been GMing RuneQuest for decades so I have no problem with hit locations :slight_smile:

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Yes, the dice is readable if you have well lit room or table. It is just one dice more to roll. :slight_smile:

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You don’t necessarily need them but they are, in my opinion, better than using the chart. I actually sprung for an extra set so I could hand them out to my players when they got similarly tired of looking at the hit location chart.

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an img printed out for each die face, scissors, tape.

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Also good :slight_smile:

I will admit that the whole mechanic of Hit Location doesn’t feel worth it yet. Still, I am only two adventures in yet.

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In my experience, it’s yet one more character shield that the players might indeed value. Are you going to allow them to Sacrifice all Armor to avoid a hit? Or are you skipping that option altogether?

I found it made for some interesting roleplaying. One of my PCs stepped into a trap—something like a bear trap that didn’t pierce his armor in that location. When he succeeded at his Athletics test to break free from the trap, he rolled a Complication, and I ruled that his armor in that location was stripped away and irreparably damaged.

It becomes another form of Resource management. Now he either adventures about with a quite literal Achilles heel or he goes looking for Armor piecemeal, either having it crafted or pillaged somewhere.

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