When will the GM Toolkit become available to purchase in PDF?
I was going to say now, but we don’t seem to have it up.
I’ll give the team a nudge it must have fallen through an internet hole.
Cool, thanks. Hopefully it’ll show up here and on DTRPG soon.
Is there an ETA for the PDF of the GM Toolkit appearing on DTRPG yet?
Very soon, we’re mainly just filtering it through the systems, it’s all ready to go.
Any news on this?
Should be in process but I’ll give them a nudge.
gives Modiphius a nudge
I think the right person has been on holiday but it’s on the list!
It is now up on DrivethruRPG so I assume it will appear on the Modiphius site soon.
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It is up but only in the horrible one single panel instead of each panel is its own page.