Forum Game: Name that ship!

Excelsior class with Crisis and Emergency Response I would go with the USS Parker. (Known to her crew as Ole Pete)
Rumour has it she was named after the secret identity of Spider Man, a creation of Stan Lee whose catch phrase is the class name.
Of course the Admiralty would never admit such…

As my challenge how about an Oberth-class ship with Tactical Operations profile?

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In my one-shots to show the system to new people we used constellation names, the ship is usually USS Grus (the grow) or USS Eridanus (the river).

Officially, the ship would be named after Quanah Parker, a “leader of the Quahadi (“Antelope”) band of the Comanche Nation”.

This would also be similar to Lakota.

Unofficially, however…


the U.S.S. Peenemünde. After the research center where Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun worked to develop liquid fueled rockets inthe 1940’s, technology that would usher in the future of spaceflight. it was also the site that developed, manufactured, and launched the V-2 rocket, the first Ballistic Missile.

how about an NX class with Pathfinder & Reconnaissance Operations

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An NX class with the Pathfinder & Reconnaissance Operation mission profile.

What about the USS Beagle? Named, of course, after the HMS Beagle, a British warship that at one point carried one famous scientist around the world, and definetly not after the favourite dog’s race of the first commander of the first NX class who happens to be an Admiral by the time the Beagle launches… :slight_smile:

Just somthing on the tactical Orbert

I, honestly, would not like the concept of a "tactical Orberth, at all. Wernher von Braun was by no means the a-political “just-scientist” he is portrayed, most of the time. And even if, the V2 he developed with Orberth’s help was an indiscriminate weapon and thus, at least by today’s standards, a flying warcrime. Developing the V2 today would qualify, at least, for a breach of humanitarian law. This is nothing I would want to have in my Star Trek games. That being said, I do not judge anyone who does have Orberths with the tactical profile. Indeed, it is an very interesting concept; one I thought long about. Some of my ire results of not being able to pick a name that reflects this concept well while not paying tribute to Nazis and criminals. :slight_smile:

Next up: A Galaxy Class starship with the Strategic and Diplomatic Operations mission profile!


Sorry I can’t see that one being used by Starfleet: the site was used to launch one of the last indiscriminate bombardments of the war, and the rockets themselves were built by slave workers…


I thought it would be a challenge. I didn’t mean for it to be quite so contentious…

And here I was going to say they wouldn’t use the umlaut.

It certainly is a challenge! And please don’t be sorry. Actually, until that challenge, I never knew who lent the Orberth class its name. The man was clearly a brilliant scientist, but would probably not be seen to live up to Starfleet’s standards.

Orberth got German citizenship only in 1941 when he had come from Vienna, Austria to Dresden, Germany. For two years, he was part of the development of the V2 rocket. Today, even the development would be a flagrant breach of international law as the V2 rocket is an indiscriminate weapon, meaning that it could not be controlled to only affect military objectives. It was simply not precise enough. From 1943 until the end of the war in Europe, he took part in the development of remotely controlled rockets.

With Wernher von Braun (his former student), he worked for the US in Huntsville, Alabama, this time for peaceful NASA projects, I suppose.

In 1962, he was honoured by the Federation of Expellees (“Bund der Vertriebenen”) with honorary membership; the reputation of said (non-profit) organisation in Germany is… let’s say, questionable. I won’t say that it’s a neo-Nazi club (it certainly isn’t; it’s state-funded and, as a whole, engaged in promoting democratic values and peaceful international relations) but it shows less fear to associate with far-far-far-rights than other political organisations. The opinion that Germany should reclaim its former eastern territories (that are today Polish and Russian according to the Two Plus Four Agreement and the German-Polish Border Treaty) is not unkown and said to be accepted within the organisation…

Anyway, when Orberth was granted honourary membership, he was quoted by the German newspaper “Der Spiegel” saying: I had hoped to invent a rocket-weapon that could have smashed the infamous treaty of Versailles. I didn’t succeed." Note that my on-the-fly translation lacks a certain aggressiveness as Orberth used a compound word for ‘infamous treaty’ that carries a strong connotation of far-right nationalism / anti-democratism of the 1920s and 1930s.

He was a member of the so-called “National Democratic Party of Germany” (NPD), founded in 1964, from 1965 until 1967. The German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) found in 2017 that the party was an ‘enemy of the constitution’ for being to similar to Hitler’s NSDAP; the only reason it wasn’t dissolved and banned was that it nowadays lacks support to be really dangerous… When Orberth died in 1989, the “Stille Hilfe” (Silent Assistance; officially: Silent Assistance for Prisoners of War and Interned Persons) made public that he had been a donor for years. The Stille Hilfe supported Nazis to escape Justice or while on trial or in prison, wehn convicted.

Thus, it is even questionable to have something like an Orberth class, at all.

For the tactical Orberth, to have an alternative to Peenemünde, what do you think of the USS Franck? Named after James Franck, German physicist and nobel prize winner. He served in World War I and was awarded, among others, the Iron Cross 1st Class. When the Nazis banned Jewish (or: non-Arian, whatever that should be) scientists at university, he left his position in protest despite the fact that he could have stayed since he was a WWI veteran. He emigrated to Denmark and later the USA where he participated in the Manhatten Project. There, he chaired the “Committee on Social Problems Regarding the Atomic Bomb” that issued the so-called “Franck Report”. The report recommended not to use the atomic bomb on Japanese cities (at least not without warning).

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In two hundred years no one would remember him for his political views but they will remember him for being one of the pioneers of space flight.

I really doubt that they knew about Oberth’s political views and stance when they named that class in TNG. In TSFS the class did not have a name, so FASA called it Sagan-class.

I totally agree on that.

That is a dark future that I would not want to live in.

However, there’s still a challenge open: a Galaxy Class starship with the Strategic and Diplomatic Operations mission profile. :slight_smile:

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A Galaxy Class starship with the Strategic and Diplomatic Operations mission profile.

USS Kamehameha, Named for the Hawaiian king and statesman of the same name.

A Steamrunner Class starship with the Scientific and Survey Operations mission profile.


Steamrunner Class starship with the Scientific and Survey Operations mission profile.

USS Aurora, named for a steam yacht whaling and antarctic exploratory vessel of similar name in the early 20th century.

Akira Class starship with the Technical Test-Bed mission profile.

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Akira Class with Technical Test bed? This is going to be a deep cut but:

U.S.S. Kon. Named after Satoshi Kon an acclaimed and experimental anime filmmaker.

How about an old Hermes-class ship with the Pathfinding and Reconnaissance mission profile?

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A Hermes class with the Pathfinder and Reconnaissance mission profile – I give you the USS Ariadne. Named after the Cretan princess Ariadne of the greek mythology, who gave Theseus the means to battle the minotaur and find out of the labyrinth. I thought of naming the ship after Theseus himself, because he did the actual running around in the labyrinth – but without Ariadne, he’d been doomed.

Next up: An Intrepid class ship with the Tactical Operations mission profile.

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I’ve reread the Wikipedia-Article about Oberth. Sorry, but there is nothing in it which tells me that he was Nazi out of conviction.
A man who got several honorary doctorates for his scientific work, who schools, streets, a lunar crater and an astroid named after him because of his scientific work (and all of this long after the end of the Nazi rule!) would probably still meet Starfleet’s standard for the naming of vessels. They do not honor the person, they honor his scientific work!

seufz Mitglied der NPD, “Schandfrieden von Versailles”, Entwicklung einer unterschiedslosen Waffe, die von Zwangsarbeitern unter unmenschlichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde und damit unmittelbar an Kriegsverbrechen und Sklaverei beteiligt – reicht das nicht? Mir schon. #eod

Edit: Ah, und, Stille Hilfe. Harter Altnazi Verein, schon damals, bis heute. Aber, nee, denen hat er Geld sicher nur aus humanitärer Gesinnung gegeben. kopftisch

Sorry, aber es geht bei der Namensvergabe nicht um die Persönlichkeit, sondern allein um die wissenschaftliche Arbeit der geehrten Person. Oberth hat damals (1962) nur ausgesprcohen, was damals viele Menschen seines Alters immer noch dachten.
Wenn man so hohe moralische Ansprüche stellt, sollte man sich nicht wundern, dass am Ende, niemand mehr übrig bleibt!
Wenn man meint, Leute wegen ihres Verhaltens im zweiten Weltkrieg kritisieren zu müssen, sollte man sich eher mal fragen, ob man selbst in dieser Situation wirklich hätte anders handeln können!

Next up: An Intrepid class ship with the Tactical Operations mission profile.

I’ll toss in the USS Anson

Make up any in story history for the Anson name, but I like the idea of a Historic HMS Intrepid class having a ship named Anson and so the USS Intrepid class has a ship named Anson

More fun is that since the HMS Anson was reduced down to a frigate, but then was sucessful as a frigate, but then ran aground and 60 - 190 men were killed. So have the USS Anson be a ship with bad luck … have fun with it …

Now lets switch gears a little

A captured or covertly acquired Qugh class ship used for training and … what ever else a captured Klingon ship would be used for.


Which mission profile? :smiley: