Forum Game: Name that ship!

An NX class with the Pathfinder & Reconnaissance Operation mission profile.

What about the USS Beagle? Named, of course, after the HMS Beagle, a British warship that at one point carried one famous scientist around the world, and definetly not after the favourite dog’s race of the first commander of the first NX class who happens to be an Admiral by the time the Beagle launches… :slight_smile:

Just somthing on the tactical Orbert

I, honestly, would not like the concept of a "tactical Orberth, at all. Wernher von Braun was by no means the a-political “just-scientist” he is portrayed, most of the time. And even if, the V2 he developed with Orberth’s help was an indiscriminate weapon and thus, at least by today’s standards, a flying warcrime. Developing the V2 today would qualify, at least, for a breach of humanitarian law. This is nothing I would want to have in my Star Trek games. That being said, I do not judge anyone who does have Orberths with the tactical profile. Indeed, it is an very interesting concept; one I thought long about. Some of my ire results of not being able to pick a name that reflects this concept well while not paying tribute to Nazis and criminals. :slight_smile:

Next up: A Galaxy Class starship with the Strategic and Diplomatic Operations mission profile!