I was just wondering what peoples favorite and least favorite parts of the Fallout universe is.
My favorite part is the retro-Americana aesthetic and dark humor and the weird and horror aspects the setting dips into on occasion. My least favorite is Super Mutants, I just don’t like how they are portrayed as basically being Post-Apocalyptic Orcs, I find them kind of boring.
I like the elements that set it apart from other PA settings - the retro 50s aesthetic, the mutated monsters, the vaults and their experiments, the weirdness, the odd cheeriness of Vault-Boy.
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My Favorite is the general “gallows humor” the series is known for. I am also a fan of the vault social experiments.
My least favorite: The Karma system (I know it went way with FO4). I’d still consider it a staple of the series as a whole - and its a love/hate relationship with me. My logical brain doesn’t like how the philosophy of it can get exponentially out of control, but I also like that it gamified being a “virtuous” or “evil” player. FO:NV definitely had the best version of this.
The Karma system
the philosophy of it can get exponentially out of control
Agree. The absolute worst offender is the FO3 quest where you help Angela Stanley chemically “seduce” her friend, and earn good karma for it.