That was a very fast flowing game and I completely agree with Giles’s juggling analogy at the end! The Raiders benefited from their relative movement advantage, but even so, Charlie’s tactics were much improved for this game, so it was a well deserved victory.
I never thought much about the qualities of some of the rudimentary close combat weapons used in this game, but those arm breaks are really effective. It just goes to show that simple melée weapons should not be underestimated.
Please tell Ethan to rewatch the stream and look at 1 hour and 50 minutes and a couple of seconds.
It’s when Muffet is critting with a quick action to bite Perkins… you can never fail a crit -> unfortunately somehow Ethan rolled the skill die (with an X) which was not necessary at all. Muffet would have dealt 5 (!!!) Damage to Perkins…could have really changed the end of the game…