So, like it says. How many points are “expected” per session? Basically, we’ve played three sessions already and I keep forgetting about it, frankly. How many points should I give my players (we’re doing a short story arc, which will wrap up tomorrow). Ideas? I’d like to give enough that they feel they’ve done something and got to make their character better, without it being “And now we shall steamroll everything we see”. I was thinking a blanket 10 points? Or not? 20? Too much?
I tend to skip the advancement points.
When my players created new characters for the second season of my game I gave them an advancement package. (+1 Attribute, skill and talent)
For a more regular advancement where players have more choice look at how much each advancement costs.
So +1 skill point is going to cost 10AP.
A talent will be 9AP.
And a new focus is 4AP.
Costs go up for multiples.
10AP will allow one of these (or two focuses), 15AP is one of these and a Focus and 20 AP is both a skill point and a talent (But not two of one of them)
None of these should make characters steam rollers. I’m still watching the bodyguard get beaten up in fights with more boosts.
Depending on how long you intend the game to carry on for I would suggest either 10 or 15 AP.
That allows a skill or talent and for the 15 either a focus or to save in the hope of getting another one next time.
That works out at 3-5 AP per session.
As a side note I am not a fan of individual experience awards. In general I apply it to the whole party, whether a player has been present or not.
Largely from how I learnt as a GM and partially as I view the party as a single group, rather than a group of individuals.
Just my personal preference though.
Yup, its very much yup to the group about speed of advancement.
Mainly as your characters start quite ‘high level’ so extra XP shouldn’t be that important as they are pretty near the top anyway.
Its a game you could just never give out XP and keep things as they are, but your players are unlikely to like that option
I would actually like to see the recommendations for this question, if possible. I have started running Dune and we are 5 sessions in and I haven’t awarded any AP yet. That said, I am thinking 1/session is probably enough. Extra point for the MVP or Best RP or something like that.
As stated, the PCs are already quite competent at the base build. So, awarding too many too fast could tip them over the edge to OP.
I recently noticed the book says to give advancement points every time someone succeeds at an action that contributes to their ambition, and gives an example of a single skill test as something that could fit this, so my impression is that I have been far too stingy with AP so far. I think the amount of AP characters earn per session should depend on what they do, but multiple per session doesn’t seem like it would be unusual unless a character is either very passive or doing things with no connection to their ambition.
Advancement is very particular to each group, and more so with Dune.
Basically, the PCs start so good they don’t really need advancement points.
Gaining extra contacts, titles and assets is far more useful for the most part.
Like all things, what constitutes enough work to gain a point for following an ambition depends on the GM.
It might be for a single roll, but only if that roll places them a significant step towards their goal.
Conversely you might give them a point for a plan that fails utterly, because it was a good plan to advance their ambition, that they worked ■■■■■■■, and they just got unlucky.
So basically, if you feel the PCs are being challenged but not overwhelmed by the adventure, they are all good, so keep doing what you’re doing.