Elder Scrolls: Into The Dark

Elder Scrolls Call to Arms - Into the Dark is a random delve expansion to allow you to procedurally generate multi-level dungeons with 10 new Adversary cards including the Ice Wolf, Frostbite Spider, Cave Bear and Troll!

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That looks great. Will it remain a PDF? Wondering about holding off it will be printed, too.


Its only planned for PDF release so buy with confidence!



On page 4, where it says, “The Into the Dark scenario is detailed on page XX.”, should the red page XX be page 8?

Maybe we’ll hold off on printing and see if anything needs updating first …


There’s a few typos I’ll be correcting and reissuing next week, probably.


I’ve read on the Modiphius Facebook page one of the devs saying that this would eventually come out in print some way or another, is this no longer the plan?

There are no plans for it to be a stand-alone product, but we may include it in future print products if space allows.

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Is there an errata for the into the dark rules? I notice on the “dungeon sheet” it says “ deep number 1-4. There is no mention of a “deep” in the rules.