I have started an STA game for a group of friends and thought it would be cool if I made them the tricorder dice holder. Then it occurred to me that my medical officer wouldn’t have their own medical tricorder. That would not do. So I made it.
Nice, but I am right if I think that it can only hold 2d20 and 4d6?
If I have one I may want at least room for 6d20 (5 dices maximum+computer help) and 7d6 (5 dices from discipline max +2 for extended tasks or phaser II)
The main impetus for this was two fold: the aforementioned lack of a medical tricorder, but also I want this to serve has a reminder that the first thing they should be doing in most situations is scanning.
I might do a TOS tricorder, but my players are currently playing in the TNG era.