Corebook Errata and corrections

GM Toolkit

Page 4, Wilderness Survival

“Salusa Secundis” should read “Salusa Secundus”.

Page 4, Wilderness Survival, “Hidden Spice” section

The following sentences seem to need some revision concerning the punctuation: “There’s a rumor about a long-time friend of your House, a wealthy stone merchant named Jan Azad, She might be a spice smuggler.”

Page 5, “Worm Sign” section

“Arakeen” should read “Arrakeen”.

Page 5 and 6, Urban Survival, “The Catchtube Canteen” section

“Arakeen” should read “Arrakeen”.

Page 7, Political Intrigue, “The Minor House Agent” section

“Arakeen” should read “Arrakeen”.

Page 29, Sand Boulder - A Smuggler Base

“‘ right’” should read “‘right’”

Page 32, The House of Amaranth

“Arakeen” should read “Arrakeen”.

p174. “Shield work in the same way as n [in] dueling.”

I’ve finished the CRB in its entirety. Here are the notes I took that have not been brought up in this thread yet. Overall I will say this is a very tight book, few relatively minor issues for a volume this size. Well done to the team!

Most of these are typos you are looking for @Andy-Modiphius, but a couple refer to word order/usage and a few to some oddities to Dune canon references. Use, disregard, or correct me on my ignorance as you will.

Page 3 - In the “If you already know the 2D20 system” box: First paragraph last sentence: an extra “be” in “…you may be wondering what’s different from what you’re be used to.”

Page 7- third paragraph, sentence four, errant “a”: You might also like to have a some drinks…”
Page 7 - fourth paragraph, sentence two, missing “the”: “It helps if gaming area is free…”

Page 28 - First paragraph, first sentence, errant “then”: After more than 10,000 years of Corrino rule, then, the imperium is poised…”

Page 36 - First paragraph in “Atheism in the Imperium”, sentence three, improper use of word “Imperium” should be “Imperial”: “…this idea is so ingrained in Imperium society…”

Page 37 - Paragraph two in the “Faufreluches Caste System”, sentence one: “Landsraad” should be replaced with “Faufreluches”, the motto of the Faufreluches is “A place for every man, and every man has a place”, not the Landsraad assembly.

Page 49 - Second paragraph, sentence one, extra use of the word “spice” and missing verb issue: “Once the psychic and mental benefits of extreme spice usage spice were discovered, prescience and enhanced computational abilities, these qualities became…” can be re-written as “Upon the discovery of the psychic and mental qualities of extreme spice usage which empowered prescience and enhanced computational abilities, these qualities became essential…”

Page 56 - First paragraph in “Spying and Social Manipulation”, sentence two, awkward word repetition: Bene Gesserit adepts are adept at detecting…” suggestion of replacing second use of “adept” with alternative word indicating proficiency.

Page 60 - in section “Suk Doctors”, missing “is” in first sentence: “It is only the completion of the conditioning that a student allowed to graduate.”

Page 114 - In the “Sergeant” section, in the Drives sub-section, extraneous “a”: “…feel a strong a bond…”

Page 127 - Possible mis-reference to combat track in place of a healing activity in the description of ”Combat Medic (Suk Doctor Talent)”: “You may spend 1 point of Momentum to reduce the extended test track of an ally in physical combat by 2 as an action”. This may be correct but I don’t understand the relationship between the combat medic talent and the reduction of an extended combat track of an ally. Perhaps clarifying text would alleviate confusion.

Page 162 - In the Conflict Scope section, second sentence, missing “in”: “The following forms of common conflict are discussed in more detail these rules.”

Page 168 - Second column third paragraph, errant “is”: “The Quality rating of a defensive asset should be is added…”

Page 184 - In the “personal and Political Connections” secant, paragraph two, sentence two, an errant “a” appears: “…or within the courts of a the Major House…”

Page 194 - In the “Kindjal” description, there is a reference to “the Faufreluches days.” To my knowledge, the faufreluches is not a timeframe or era, but a system put in place by the Imperium to regulate class hierarchy and structure. A reasonable alternative if there is a desire to indicate a timeframe of common usage of kindjal’s would be “the Imperial era”.

Page 211 - In the “Debtor” section, second sentence, there is an errant comma after whatever: “Whether it is cash, drugs, or whatever, they have borrowed…”

Page 220 - In the second bullet text of the “Galaxy Game” section, first sentence, the word used is “players” when it should be “player”: “A collector offers the players characters…”

Page 235 - first sentence in “Portraying the Galactic Scale” section, unintended sentence fragment: “Just as Dune can be imposing in its depth, the breadth of that the Imperium, encompassing a vast galactic empire, poses unique…”

Page 237 - Missing “a” in third sentence of the “Gamemastering Superhumans” section”: “The Imperium is not forgiving setting for amateur…”

Page 261 - Another odd reference to the intention of the Faufreluches system, in the descriptive text for Chani Kynes: “Little more than a teenager by the standards of the Faufreluches…”. A measure of maturity (teenager) is not an element of the Faufreluches caste system.

Page 302 - In the “Artistic/Religious House” section, there is a reference to the “Orange Catholic Church” in the “As a Minor House” sub-section: “…that produce personnel for the Orange Catholic Church.” I know of no reference to an Orange Catholic Church in the Dune canon. The O.C.B. as developed by the Commission of Ecumenical Translators is the only “Orange Catholic” reference I am aware of.

Page 303 - in section “Adventure Hooks”, in bullet three, there is reference in sentence one to an “Orange Catholic Caucus”. I know of no reference to an Orange Catholic Caucus in the Dune canon.


I guess this is about stepping back the progress on how much success an opponent had in the extended task’s track to defeat that ally. Worded a little unusually, as the Dune system does not have a specific language for this. In a more simple and direct rpg, this would be ‘heal two wounds from an ally’.

Could we get this as a pdf with all the errata posted with like a bimonthly update or something so thats its not always on the change but keeps all up to date often enough?

I don’t think anyone will have the time to do a bi-monthly update,
and I sincerely hope there aren’t enough corrections to need that.
But we will be updating the pdf in a little while and should we do another print run we’ll use an updated file.

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Cheers for those, and a special thankyou for making them so specific to find! Made life a lot easier.

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Not sure if it’s just my copy of the main book normal cover but, page 89 the first few words from machinery through to Kanly explanation is faded.

That’s odd. It may be a print error.
It is ok on the pdf but I’d have to check my physical copy to see if its just you or more general.

This came up on the Discord channel for someone as well.
We checked a few other copies that we had and they were all fine so maybe there was a single printing batch that had a glitch.

Yup, with this many copies there are bound to be a couple I suspect.

I just got my book and am putting together a Fremen Scout. I noticed it seems the Talent and Focus are wrongly labeled? The Talents are listed as endurance and stealth which neither are a Talen. The Talent really is “Putting Theory to Practice”.

These seem to be flipped in the text. Similar problems creating a Mentat, where Talents and Focuses seem to be flipped and not correctly labeled.

Or am I reading something wrong??? That seems like a pretty big oversight?

This might just be a clarification needed, but the rules clearly state that you start with up to 3 traits: Faction, Archetype, and Reputation. However, the example character, Kara Moray has 3 traits, Noble, Honorable, Bene Gesserit, none of which are an archetype trait.

I guess Ill be more specific. Scout Archetype Page 117:

Focuses: Putting Theory to Practice
Talents: Endurance and Stealth.

*Endurance or Stealth are not listed under the Talents. Following the rules these would be Focuses.
** Putting Theory to Practice is listed as a Talent not a Focus. Page 130.

Yup, I think we have that one.
You are right, those are swapped.
There is an errata on the way soon.

Errata would be fantastic. I think the main snafu is the different cost for buying/upgrading assets, but I haven’t tried to organise everything in this thread …

Any idea on when we’ll see the errata?

Is the PDF updated as errata is found? I was wondering if downloading a new copy was going to incorporate any of the errata found so far.

We’ll be uploading one soon and we’re in the process of updating the pdf.
Quite a few Dune ■■■■■ in the air at the moment :slight_smile:

Apologies if already noted but my search function is glitching.

P.111 under Mentat:
Lists one of the talent mandatory talents as ‘Mind Place’ instead of ‘Mind Palace’