Corebook Errata and corrections

A little one: p. 309, Jaris Obregon. In her Drives, accidentally Understand drive is given instead of Truth.

p.271, Arrakeen Native’s Cool Under Pressure talent. Archetype talents were phrased from the point of view of an NPC controlled by the GM (spending threat instead of Momentum). This talen, however, speaks about spending Determination. It should be spending 3 points of threats, I think.

Page 178, “When you attempt to move a spy asset, compare the spy’s Quality with the highest rated security measures of the zone they are moving to. If the security measures have a higher Quality, the spy asset cannot enter that zone without attempting to move subtly or boldly”

This is probably redundant, given that all moves must be either subtle or bold (from earlier in the thread).

p.129, Master-At-Arms talent.
“At the start of a duel, skirmish, or battle scene,…”
Maybe this should be “At the start of a dueling, skirmish or warfare scene” or even “…conflict”?
Although I guess there may be reasons to use the less strict wording - you have to choose at the beginning of the whole scene, and it applies to the first conflict if there are multiple conflicts within the scene? Or the wording may try to exclude longer-term warfare events (when you play out a longer campaign in a single scene) by limiting the talent to battles, and not any other warfare scenes?

Extended task vs Extended test. Usually, the book says extended task. However, there are quite a few exceptions: p.127, p.166, p.167, p.168, p.175, p.227, p.228, p.256, p.260, p.293 and p.318 all mention “extended test” once.

p. 130, Rigorous Control. ‘Whenever you are attempting an extended task where
the requirement is based on one of your skills…’
I think this should be: ‘Whenever an NPC is attempting an extended task where
the requirement is based on one of your skills…’
(i.e. when the requirement is based on your skill, then somebody else is trying to do something against you, and not you are trying to do something).

Maybe it’s been mentioned before, but the following text is on page 3 under Where do I start?

If you want to just dive into an adventure straight away, you can download our free Dune Quick-start Guide from the Modiphius website (wwwmodiphiusnet). It’s a much shorter read, giving you the bare bones to get started right away. You might also like to check out our Heirs of Dune boxed set that allows you to play from the moment you open the box, with no preparation.

For the life of me, I can’t find either the Dune Quick-start Guide or the Heirs of Dune boxed set.


Modiphius has said that the Heirs to Dune is an adventure set that will be released later this year.
When it is out it will make sense, but they are sort of getting ahead of themselves with the pre-order pdfs.

I expect the quick-start guide will also be released at the same time as the books hit the shelves in retailers.

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I found my own answers.

Customer Support says these two will be released later in the year.

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p.183, Warafe-Attacks. ‘If your successful attack leads to an extended task (meaning the foe is not a minor character), the task’s requirement equals the foe’s Battle skill’.

Compare with: p.167, Successful Attack Outcomes. ‘If the attack is against a notable or major non-player character, a notable supporting character, or a main player character — or if the target is a military asset in a warfare conflict — then defeating the character is an extended task.’

The wording at the Warfare section originally confused me, I thought units made up of minor characters (such as regular infantry) would be taken down in one attack. I think it would be worth repeating there again that attacks against military assets are always extended tasks.

p. 326, Appendix.
Conflixt types: the first one should be ‘Dueling - Personal’, not the other way around, to be in line with the remaining conflict types.

Attack sequence, 3.b. ‘2 plus the attacking asset’s Potency’: should be Quality.

Is Foreknowledge a real talent that will have a text, or it’s the “calculated prediction” (or another) with an erroneous name ?

p. 156, Spending Threat, Buying d20.
‘The cost of this increases for each die purchased: the first die costs 1 point of Momentum,
the second costs 2 Momentum, and the third costs 3.’ Should be points of Threat, not Momentum.

p.327, appendix: Minor NPCs.
‘Drives: Instead, use a single Quality rating, from 4-8…’
According to p. 137, actually, it’s not called a Quality rating, but a single Drive rating.

On page 113, the archetypes chart has entries for both “disciple” and “discipline”. It is my assumption the latter is correct, and - if so - the former entries should be adjusted to match.

Above in this thread, there is a mention of the PDF being updated. Would individuals purchasing the PDF now receive access to subsequent revisions?

I’ve taken a pass at those and it looks like thats the lot.
I’ll be passing what needs changing on to our graphics team to amend the pdf which will be updated in your drivethrurpg or Modiphius libraries like any other update.
(We’ll post when that is uploaded)

Sadly the books are already printed but we’ll amend further prints to match the updated pdf.
In the meantime I’ll collate anything beyond a typo into an errata we’ll upload at the same time.


Revised PDFs are out!

Not quite yet, I’ve not got the list to graphics yet :slight_smile:

Andrew, would you like for us to list here any typos from the GM Toolkit as well?

Yes indeed. Although as ever I hope there aren’t any :slight_smile:
Do remember from all of these we’re just after typos or mistakes, not ‘this would read better if’.
I’ll collate them with the Corebook errata.

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