Commonwealth region table

The commonwealth region table has the event card “soft ground”. I couldn’t find any meantion of that card nor does the app list it.


Soft Ground was an Event Card included as part of Wave 4: Enclave releases.


Are you sure? I got the card pack and i don’t have it. It is also not part of the app…

It is also not part of the full card list from the download page


I was sure but the plot has thickened somewhat. I think I both know what has happened here and a potential solution, but I want to be sure so I’ll need to check it with the Fallout bosses here. They’re off on festive leave atm, so it’ll be a few weeks before I can address it.

In the meantime, replace any instance of Soft Ground with an Event Card of your choice.


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Thanks :wink: could you ask him if there is any chance you could update the tables, so they look like the ones from forged in fire expansion (including the rule texts)?


So just a heads up - I’ve got the go ahead from Jon to put the rules text for this card in a pinned post in this forum.


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