Children of Atom radiation + quick action rule

Hey gang,

Its a little bit of a tricky one, as received is never a term laid out in the Rules of Play booklet and I don’t think a step by step of damage application is ever laid out. I like the process set out by the one Reddit User;

Screenshot 2022-04-27 at 09.53.26

So let’s go with the following;

1 - Receiving damage happens before Armor kicks in so Models that are immune to a Damage type still acknowledge the damage being applied to them. As such, the Children of Atom could take the Rad Damage, gain Action Points, then check their Armor and finally, not take the said Damage as they are immune.

You could also totally shoot your own guys with Gamma Guns to generate Action Points. That sounds kinda neat.

2 - The standard would be the Barrels provided in the Streets of Boston STL file. We also have the Radioactive Containers Terrain Pack, which would also work. Neither have bases.