After defeating the Draugr Overlord in the Bleak Falls Barrow campaign and fighting against the Stormcloaks in ‘Blood on the Ice’, I decided that whilst I wait for the next sets and cards to be released by Modiphius I would try using my 3D printer and graphic design skills to create some adversaries of my own.
So far, I have printed and created cards for:
- Skeletal Dragon, Guardian of Labyrinthian
- Sabre Cat
- Spriggan
- x3 Redoran guards (Crossbow, Whip and shield, spear)
- Redoran Hero: Talya Wildfire, Redoran Fire Mage
- Redoran Champion: Captain Khaladas, Leader of the Redoran Guard
- Stormcloak Mage (Frost)
- Stormcloak Elder
- Imperial Elite
Who/what should I try printing and creating next? Have you guys used any other adversaries yet?
PS. I cannot wait for the new sets! Some of the heroes within the blog pages sound like they will really be able to change the feel of a party and the tactics you take with you into battle!