3D print Miniatures and Map tiles

Look at my post or my Google drive about Star Trek VTT map content.
I used Star Trek online and the Gimp (both free software) to create all kinds of Star Trek related png files.
You can use these png files in your favorite image manipulation/VTT software to create your own maps.
The process of creating the png files is easy but very time consuming.
It was my hope that I could gather the help of several members of the online community for creating more png files but that failed. If you work together you can make a large repository of these png files very fast. Imagine that you work with 4 or 5 like minded people, and they each make 1 png file each week.
You would would be able to create around 15 or 20 different png files each month, or 240 png files a year.
If you combine Star Trek specific png files with the other VTT content (see example below) you can create beautifull maps.
But hey it failed because there was nobody that seamed interested to contribute.
I didn’t abandone the project, but for the moment I have no time to create new png’s.


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