Using Stamina on a Sneak Attack

Good afternoon, when using stamina during a stealth ranged attack, the model loses Hidden and continues to shoot without an additional yellow / red dice?

If they use a stamina boost, they don’t lose their Hidden token until after the action completes (as per P.28 of the rulebook), so they would still get the bonus dice for the attack itself.

That is, during a stealth attack, I can add green, receive an additional cube for stealth, but then I cannot pass the stealth test, since using stamina 100% resets the token?

Correct as you would lose the Hidden token as a result of performing the Aimed Shot stamina boost after performing the attack action (but still get the sneak bonus for that attack).

Sneak is very powerful on archers if they can keep passing those sneak rolls after moving/attacking but it does mean that you’d normally want to avoid doing a stamina boost unless you really needed to try and make a particular shot.

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Can I just think I’m not missing anything with the way I play this: a hidden miniature makes a sneak attack with a stamina boost with their first activation, so losses the hidden token. They meet all the criteria for hiding again, so they go ahead and use their second action to hide. That’s OK right?

According to the rules, nothing prevents you from doing this, since the token is removed at the end of the action, and the stamina was not used in the second action, so you can take the Hidden token if the conditions for obtaining the token are met.

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Yes, no reason why you couldn’t do this.


Cool, thanks both for confirming - just wanted to make sure I wasn’t misplaying!

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Hey all,

Yeah, nothing else to add here really.

  • If you use a Stamina Boost, the Hidden Token is not removed until after the action completes, so the Boost would be applied to the Sneak Attack.

-You would still lose the Hidden Token after the Attack Action.

  • A Hidden miniature can make a Sneak Attack with a Stamina Boost with their first activation, so losses the Hidden token. They meet all the criteria for hiding again, so they go ahead and use their second action to Hide.
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