Unofficial Fallout New Vegas fan made expansion rules

Welcome to the Mojave, where the casino’s of New Vegas shine like a beacon at the centre of an uncivilised wasteland of bandits and mutants.

This expansion is an unofficial fan made work that introduces additional content for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. Introducing new Perks, optional rules, level progression for small gang lists, revised rules for the Map Campagin expansion and printable checklists for every weapon, perk, items and other stuff within the base game of Fallout: New Vegas.

This project is a fan made project, there will be errors and possible unbalanced content. This is primarily made for the casual narrative wargamer rather than for tournament use. Though any errors in text, scaling or lore items will be fixed within a time when I can fix it.

This does not replace existing Modiphius content for any new Perks in the pipeline. These are merely to fill in gaps for level progression.

Below are five of the eight files for this unofficial expansion. The rest will be posted in the comments as I can only attach only five files on a topic.

FNV Core Source File Unofficial Rules FWW.pdf (653.4 KB)
FNV Traits Unofficial FWW Rules.pdf (253.0 KB)
FNV Perks Unofficial Rules FWW.pdf (881.0 KB)
FNV Companion and Faction Perks Unofficial Rules FWW.pdf (397.3 KB)
FNV Crafting Unofficial Rules FWW.pdf (173.8 KB)

You will need the starter set and the New Vegas expansion to use these fan made content.

I hope you enjoy this fan expansion in your games of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! :slightly_smiling_face:


FNV AI Enemy list and Loot Equipment Unofficial Rules FWW.pdf (328.3 KB)
FWW Map Campaign V2.pdf (761.5 KB)
FNV Quick Refrence Cards Unofficial Rules FWW.pdf (230.2 KB)

These are the rest of the fan expansion rules I couldn’t fit into the main topic post.