Top down view map of Lexington

I like using maps when I run my sessions. I am in need of a map of Lexington, but the ones I can find online only show it from an angle. I tried to go into the game and do free camera mode and take screenshots, but apparently, I’m no good at that sort of thing, because I couldn’t get a good shot after hours of trying.

Is there any way I could get some help finding a decent top-down view map of Lexington?


Thank you, but I believe we are talking about two different Lexingtons here. I’m looking for a layout of the town in Fallout 4, not the Star Trek ship.

My bad too used to the STA forum and Shakleton Expanse campaign, I haven’t double checked the game

I got a decent screenshot finally.

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Wow, feels so much bigger in game. :open_mouth:

I was REALLY far up. You figure the bottom is the Super duper mart and at the top, you can see the corner of the Corvega factory. It’s all about the perspective.

It’s not so much the scale of the image. It’s supposed to be a pretty big town, but it’s actually only a couple streets and a scattering of buildings. Heck, 20% of it is the the grocery store.

I’m really impressed at how the map designer (or whatever they’re called) made this place feel so much larger than it really is.

I’ve noticed when I play the games all the places feel really big the first time I explore them, but when I return they feel so much smaller.