Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

@Christoffer: Do you have a estimate for the Voyager-Crew addon being implemented?

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Hey guys, There seems to be an issue with the character generator, the link seems to just lead to a page simply stating “This service is unavailable.”

Is there an issue with the hosting at the minute?

My understanding is that it is currently undergoing maintenance which can keep it down for a few days.

Thanks for the update @ArtWend! I’ll check back in a few days.

There is an unfortunate outage on our character generator services, and we are working on trying to resolve them as soon as possible, despite some uncooperative forces outside of our control.


The Character Generator is back up. Qa’plah!


Is that up for starships as well? I’m getting “Site can’t be reached” error when I export to PDF

Thanks for letting us know. Resolutions can be taken care of faster if you report it via the report error button on the left side of the app.


still getting that error myself.

Would it be possible to get an official offline version? I am going to be somewhere without internet access, so I downloaded the html, css, and javascript files, and the creator works (with minor modifications) with those offline. It would be cool to have an official download package for it. This would also allow folks to use it even when errors such as the recent one above happen.

The only thing I couldn’t get to work offline is the export to pdf link, since that part of the site doesn’t seem to download properly, but that may be by design.

Where can we suggest other species to add to the character generator? Here? or is there a better method?

The ones included in the character generator are all of the ones from the books (with the exception of the ones from Voyager Player characters and Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook, as those have not yet been added). I would be happy to see an option like “Alien” where you write the name in and pick any 3 attributes to increase and you have all talents to choose from, regardless of restrictions.

^ That would indeed help. Watching @16bitEric make an original species NPC on his livestream the other day really pointed out the limitations of the system to me.

Are there even rules in STA for homebrew species creation? I don’t remember seeing any going through the Core book…

The core book, page 111, has them. It’s basically “choose three attributes to +1, and create some talents if you want,” and then says “see chapter 10 for more.” But the stuff in chapter 10 (gamemastering) doesn’t seem to have anything that addresses new species specifically, just general creativity and helping flesh out things broadly.

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There’s not really all that much to it. Pick three attributes to +1 (or heck, why not one attribute +2 and one +1 for variety?) and come up with a definition for the species trait and then create or re-skin a couple species talents. All the pieces are there in the core book and supplements. Mix and match to your needs and desires.


Here’s a list of where you can find homebrew rules for many species:

Nooooohoho, the Charaktergenerator is not available…

Is this permanent? :frowning:

I’m hoping it’s down while they update it with the new material.

Hopefully more people will now abandon the needlessly clumsy lifepath system and use the far better creation in play rules.