Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

Actually I quite like the life path system. It’s simple and effective. Plus it gives new players a incentive to flesh out their background, which leads to better role-playing


Do you have any business in the matter, how my group creat their charakters?


The whole site is down. Unable to brin gup the CONAN Character creator as well. same error.

The character creator is down I need it for a project.

On a public forum, randos will give their opinions on anything. Get used to it.

Even though the creator is down I still have like 50 PDFs of everything.:+1:

Oh and I expacted that you never want to have a second conversation with me.

I can’t say as the first was particularly memorable for me.

Creating my account as this fight starts is as thoroughly entertaining as it is disruptive. But the life path system is just a choice ur not forced to use it. There’s no reason to fight.

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I have to disagree with your perspective on the life path system. It’s a fantastic method to create a fully realized character. Better, it provides some cues as to some major events in a character’s past that has lead them to who they are when a campaign starts. But to each their own.


Welcome! Hopefully you’ll find this a good source for ideas, rules clarifications and general cameraderie…

And it’s not normally like this (generally we’re pretty friendly :wink:) but there’s a (recent) history here…



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Let’s try to get along, please. Some people like the Life Path generation method and some don’t. Its just a game. No sense building up blood pressure over it.


Hey, @Modiphius-SteveH do you, by any chance, happen to know more about the generator being down? Or is Modiphius as shocked as we are? :slight_smile:

It’s being worked on is all I know.


It should be back up now. If you get the same error, clear ypur cache on your browser and try again. If it doesn’t pull up then, let us know.

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Yes peace on earth has been achieved.

It’s working fine again.

When are the species options from VOY and Gamma going to be added?


I noticed that sometimes whitespace after a comma is missing.