Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

Command cannot be the Major but you are correct that they should be able to take it as a minor.


For your reference it is cited in the Enlisted sidebar on page 127

A Player may choose to make their character Enlisted instead of an Officer following the normal procedure, with a few minor changes — the character does not attend Starfleet Academy, but instead receives their training elsewhere (this has no effect on the rules, and is purely background), and cannot select Command as their major during that stage.

It is live. You might have to refresh the page and clear the cache.

Hmm, I think I have fixed that, but I will verify tonight.

I had fixed something else related to Command and tracks, but this particular case is now resolved. Thanks for pointing it out.

Greetings, it would be nice to have a streamlined version that could produce some quick minor p.cs for play. Especially if you need some for a landing party

Just want to say that this is an awesome tool. Thanks for updating and maintaining it!


I do agree it’d be nice to be able to use a Conny regardless of year, no reason not to as people might do alternate universes and stuff

I love this tool. It’s immensely useful in just about every possible way.

However, I’ve noticed a typo. ‘Augmented Ability’ is listed as ‘Agumented Ability’. Which is kind of obtrusive given how often it’s listed.

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Very much appreciated for a new GM like me. Thanks!


Added a Talents Overview page that aggregates all talents from all books released so far. Very useful if you need a quick reference without having to flick through books or PDFs.


FYI: I was on the generator last n ight and despite meeting Prerequisites of Security 3+ and Control 10+, the character being generated was NOT offered Deadeye Marksman as a Talent option (as has been previously, I was simply trying to have an updated version of same character generated).

Hopefully, not doing something wrong… can’t imagine. Your online tool is excellent as I’ve enjoyed its evolution with the addition of the sourcebooks since the main rulebook’s relase. It would be great if there were a version for iOS as well as an option to Print the Profile tab output (on the left of the screen) of the character summary.

Kind Regards,

Did you select the Operations Division source at the very first page? Selecting the correct source is important to aggregate all available options from the expansion books.

Looking at the code, Deadeye Marksman has a prerequisite of Security 3+ and Control 10+, so it should show up if you have the correct Operations Division book included in sources.

RIght you are. I may not have selected the Ops option to begin with. It is there now!


P.S. How about that Print option for the character “card format” seen when the Profile button is clicked long the left of the screen?

Not sure why you would want to print that :thinking:

You could always screen cap it, paste and trim in a picture editor, then just print it up.

I have one question: From which source is the “Ships Operations” when selecting Academie Track?

It’s from the Operations Division Book

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Thanks, I found it.

I’m not sure how hard it would be to do with the current coding of the online character generator, but under the talent overview, could you list the requirements for the talent along with it?

Also, would there be a way to allow the picking of the talents at the finishing touches stage? Or at least a possibility of changing which talents were picked?

I’d settle for an “Alphabetical” filter that showed all the Talents in ABC order. If I’m looking it up, it’s rare that I’ll remember the exact category the Talent is listed under, which results in a lot of hunting and clicking.

Another possible method would be to have it separated into three categories, and alphabetized. Three main categories being: Species, General, Specialized, Ship.

Each of those allowing a further ‘filter’ menu within allowing pure alphabetical order, or sorting by specifics. Species list could filter by species, Specialized could filter by discipline.

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