Thank you!
I’m curious why some starships can’t be used after a certain year. For instance, our campaign is set in 2295, after the events of Star Trek VI. The crew, however, want a Constitution class vessel like the Enterprise. If you tell the character generator that you’re playing in 2295, you can’t choose that class…but you can choose an NX class starship more than a century old. Yet there are examples of older ships like this being in service long after their “retirement” date.
I’ll also ask this via the feedback button on the generator itself, but this honestly doesn’t make sense to me, and I’d love to hear the reasoning. (Even more, I’d love it to go away, though I’m aware it’s not my call.)
I think it’s because the Constitution class is the only ship in the books given a hard date for ‘end of service’, even though other ships logically would also have one, such as the NX in your example.
I know. It’s irritating, since the class was never shown as being retired then. The Enterprise was, but not the whole class.
Oh, well. Just means that tool isn’t particularly useful for me.
I did reply to your feedback explaining the same thing. I just follow the rules of the books, even though they might not make sense all the time.
Saw that a little while ago. Appreciate your time.
No problem.
Just a small typo, “Athletics” is in as “Atheltics”
It might be useful to have some sort of popup or tooltip for talents on screens like the species or starship select page. Anywhere where the actual effect is not clear until the next page, after the selection is made.
Been thinking about that, but not sure how it would work with touch.
I realize the Science book is just freshly released, but whenever the character generator does get updated, I’d love to see the new lifepath options on page 34 and the Cybornetic/Genetic Augment talents on page 41. The additional roles from page 42 would be cool too. The additional roles from the Command (pgs 38, 39) and Ops (also pgs 38, 39) books would be welcome as well.
Have yet to receive Science Division.
I might be missing something, but the online builder no longer seems to have the racial talents for Soong-type Android?
On the first screen, you have to select the TNG button before selecting era.
I just checked after reading the post, and I didn’t see the talents either. Had select all and TNG era. Even checked the box to allow cross-species talents and they were not there.
To clarify what I mean: you can select the species and the species overview does mention what the racial talents are called, but further on in the process those are not offered as choices. So you can’t actually take them.
You are absolutely right. I must have screwed something unforeseen up during the last update (even though I never touched talents… software development sigh). Will fix it tonight I hope.
OK, got an update for ya.
- Sciences Division book material is now integrated. Yay
- Fixed missing Android talents (and also Ferengi and Changeling).
That’s great news! When does that go live? I just checked and didn’t see science as a selectable.
Have you fixed the issue with the enlisted career options?
I sent feedback a couple months ago about it, but the enlisted career path for command does not even allow command as a discipline option for either primary or secondary.