Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

The online character generator has been unavailable for several days. Is this being looked at and is there an eta for having it back online? (I’m just about to kick off a new campaign with new players and I’d really prefer them to use this brilliant tool to smooth & speed up character creation if possible)

Perhaps it ran afoul of CBS, assuming the app is itself a sanctioned entity from Modiphius? That would be a shame as it was a a good resource and did not seem to divulge rules information… it certainly wouldn’t get in the way of players needing to get the actual PDF or rule books/supplements in hardcopy form.

This of course, is mere peculation. The tool saved countless prep time. If Modiphius wanted to sell the app to customers in a shameless moneygrab…for Windows, iOS, and Android platforms… I’d pay money for it, assuming Modiphius takes the responsibility of updating for free in perpetuity.

There’s an issue with the hosting service. They’re working on it.

Ok, it was that way round then. Good to know.

Just checked: App is back on again.

Yes, managed to resolve the issues at hand yesterday. So, happy usage :smiley:


Thanks a lot. Keep up the great work, sir.

I see the species added in the DS9 write-ups have been added, very nice. Will the Soong-Type Android species that was included in the TNG write-up be added in eventually as well?

If I get the docs, I will ask.

I salute the hard work done on this project.

Two suggestions:
*Tucked away on the new Ops book is an Operations Officer Academy Track at Operations school: Conn +2 Eng +1 Sci +1

*The number of Starship talents was fixed at 5 even for scale 6 ships, unless I’m doing something wrong.


OK, I will take a look at that track.

The 6 starship talents is being fixed, but I cannot upload it yet because the backend is undergoing updates to accomodate for Mutant Chronicles.

Also… Soong-type Android is now in :smiley:

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Do you have the page number where I can find it? Looked and did not find it…

I believe @Tarot is talking about the Ship Operations Major on page 46, which you have already included (per my own post on October 5th).

Ah yes, that one is already in there.

Where did the fix for a max of 5 talents come from?
Didn’t find anything related to that in starship creation rules…
It says in Core:
“Talents: A starship should have a number of Talents equal to its Scale…”

Awesome! I found Operations Major in the Ops Book Chapter 3 page 40 under Lifepath 4

The problem is that the exported PDF sheet only has 5 lines for talents. I have yet to upload the fix for it.

I think you are confused. Pg 40 talks about making a Security character and Lifepath 4 says about taking Security as a major.

Page 46 - Lifepath 4 talks about the Ship Operations Major and gives the specific Discipline bonuses you stated earlier.

Ship Operations is already included at the academy step for both Officer and Enlisted tracks, and has been for some time.

I see. So you’re fixing the layout of the sheet an not the maximum number of starship talents.
Try splitting the textfields in to two pieces for each line, maybe?
Someone playing on a starbase might need more

That is what I have done basically. I cannot believe that the sheet was not designed to hold six talents from the start.


Awesome that the new material is now in. Thanks for doing this!