Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

big The Prisoner fan


choose “talents overview” choose “Betazoid” in combo box: no talents appears.
(same for l’Qosa or Klingon (QuchHa’) and Son’a but for them I don’t know if it’s normal or not)

For those last three, I’m betting that the smart quotation mark is the culprit. I know what the problem is with the Betazoid, but the explanation is complicated. I’ll throw a bug on the backlog.

BCing you


Pretty sure you’re already looking at it but there is a slight mismath on Ships starting points.

I made a custom starship in 24111 just because of a typo and found that the total point math came up to 2234 system points but after 2400 it’s every 50 years they gain 1 point for creation. That math comes up to 434+ the 60 you get for ships made in 2400 so the total should be 494. This is really more applicable in actual usage for people wanting to play in the 32nd century with Discovery S3 and beyond or people wanting to jump reaaaaaally far out into the future.

Also ship sizes are limited to scale 7 and when reducing the points for the systems from their insane height caused by the typo, you can only have up to 15 on stats. So for super advanced ships from the far flung future they don’t get their full points.

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Hm. I’ll do a bit more testing, but a quick perusal of the code doesn’t seem to jibe with what you’re saying.

These are good points.

BCing you

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You can test with a scale 4 ship launched in 2410. It should have 60 points, and only get 61 in 2450; it shows 61. I created an issue in github (looked at the code in github, but I don’t know javascript… it did seem like it was just taking the year and not taking into account the 2400 line, but I don’t really know).


Oh, you’re right. I have misread the original report. Thanks for bopping some sense into me.

BCing you


Oh, BC!! This is the first chance I’ve had in ages to use the Supporting Character section of this app, and it’s a thing of beauty! Got things done in less than 5 minutes, and for me at least, it worked flawlessly. Nice work!


The Talents display for Betazoid now display Telepath talent but not the Empath Talent. So still some fixes to do.

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Yeah, I’m just pondering the best way to fix that. The root problem is that more than one species has Empath (Deltans, ferinstance), (and Ocampans also have Telepath, but with slightly different language). I have two ways of fixing the problem, and I’m just waffling on the best one.


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Gosh, it’s always so great to hear that people enjoy the tool.

BCing you



Great tool. And I also think it’s great that you started to integrate other languages.
However, it looks to me like I can’t select the language. Instead it seems that the system would do it automatically. However I would like to use the tool in English, even though I live in Germany. Just a thought, though.

Many thanks for the character generator!


Second. :wink:

That being said: I will happily contribute (to) any German translation you might want to have.

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No take-backs!

I’ve barely scratched the surface on translation – if your browser language is set to German, you should see what’s there. But I’m thinking of making a big spreadsheet that people can use to tweak the language. I can probably easily create a way of turning the data in this spreadsheet into the format I need in the app.

A cool thing that’d help: you said that there were already German-language publications: could you help me ensure that common words like “Control”, “Reason”, “Focuses”, “Talents”, etc are translated consistently with those books. (I just used Google Translate, and getting a bad translation that I can’t spot is a real possibility). Some words like “Conn” were especially tricksy.


You can count me for French


You guys are so great!

Of course. It will take me a week or two until I will have the opportunity to do so, though.

Just some quick takes on Attributes

Control = Konzentration (dunno why they didn’t take “Kontrolle” :person_shrugging: ); Presence = Ausstrahlung (“Anwesenheit” means “being physically (and/or sometimes mentally) present in a certain location (or situation)”); Daring = “Wagemut” (your “gewagt” is a related adjective, good catch!); Insight = “Gespür”; Reason = “Verstand”

And some other quick takes on Disciplines

Command = “Kommando”; Conn = “Flugkontrolle” (despite being a really bad translation, see ramblings below); Engineering = “Technik”;

Not sure whether this will count als take-back (sorry): I’m still unsure whether I am allowed by local laws to directly contribute the “official” translation for the talents’ texts. If I am not (which is by far the most probable answer to this question) I will have to do a translation myself. Which should work, but would, of course, take much longer.

Not sure (no, genuinely!) whether one wants to ask publishers for endorsement.


Some rambling on language

That being said, “Conn” is probably the most difficult word to translate in all STA, as there is (imho) no fitting German translation, at all. While we do have a word for everything, it might not have exactly the same connotations. With “Steuerung” for Conn, you did pretty well and, if you ask me, actually better than the German translators who used “Flugkontrolle” (== Flight Control), completely omitting the “Rules and Procedures”-aspect of the Conn Discipline. But, again, “Conn” is virtually untranslateable to German and I would struggle to come up with a better translation.

In not completely unrelated matters: You might want to know that “Uhrwerk”, the German publisher of STA, offers (form-fillable!) German PDF character and ship sheets in their public Downloads section (search for “Star Trek Adventures – Charakter – und – Schiffsbogen”). :wink:

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Thanks. These quick notes and your link to the free sheets were incredibly helpful.

I don’t think I can disclose details, yet, but someone with a connection has reached out to me. It may be that nothing becomes of that, but we’ll see.

Also: can I credit you on the credits page? As Mister X, or something else?



@bcholmes I see you are experimenting with languages. But in German insteat of the attributes there are the six disciplines shown.

Uhrwerk the German Company who has the Star Trek Adventures license from Modiphius has following translations:

Control → Konzentration
Fitness → Fitness
Presence → Ausstrahlung
Daring → Wagemut
Insight → Gespür
Reason → Verstand

Command → Kommando
Security → Sicherheit
Science → Wissenschaft
Conn → Flugkontrolle
Engineering → Technik
Medicin → Medizin

On what page are you seeing that?