Star Trek Adventures 2e?!

If I’m reading extended tasks right you can basically take a 1E extended task, ignore magnitude and run it with the work track as the Progress track and just run them as is.

Actually sounds pretty good. I think I’m not the only one who had a hard time with Extended Tasks. Still, even in it’s 1e incarnation one of the best inventions since sliced bread. :person_shrugging: :heart_eyes:

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Hmm I noticed they fixed the math errors for the Excelsior and Galaxy in 2E but not the Miranda in the toolkit.

What math error do you feel exists? Miranda (re-engineered 2274) has 47 system points. Base 40 +7 for 7 decades after 2200, following the rules in Utopia Planitia (page 58).

I was going from the original launch date just like we’re supposed to with the Constitution, and the Excelsior does in 2E as well.

Constitution and Excelsior each only have one launch year listed. For Miranda, I used the more recent to build the stat block. You’re welcome to use the earlier date; remove one point if you do so.

Challenge: Given era of play, spotlight role and two keywords, I’ll come up with a custom Mission Brief for anyone (i.e. the first :wink: ) who can tell why I know that the rules on 2e character development were taken directly from the Klingon Core Rulebook rather than the Tricorder Digest. :joy:

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I’m looking at the starship combat section and I have a question about Breaches. Am I correct in thinking that in 2e, the only ways to get a breach are to go from above 50% shields to below 25% in one hit, take a hit that drops your shields entirely or take a hit with your shields down?

In principle, yes.

Technically, breaches are traits and thus could(!) be created by the normal rules creating traits, i.e. suffering complications and/or Threat spends. This should be used with caution, though, and always come with a narrated explanation.

It looks to me like the first example there is actually from below 50% to below 25% - i.e. if the ship has already suffered the 50% shaken effect, then the 25% effect is a breach, otherwise it’s a shaken.

I think the idea is that breaches mostly only happen when the shields are down.

My interpretation of p. 309 is:
Shields >= 50 % → Damage → Shields < 50 % => Shaken
Shields >= 50 % → Damage → Shields < 25 % => Shaken + Breach
Shields < 50% & Shields > 25 % → Damage → Shields < 25 % => Shaken
Shields up → Damage → Shields down => Breach
Shields down → Damage => Breach

Note that the bullet points under No. 2 of the flowcharts seem to be intended as procedurally checked, not alternatively to another (thus, all three bullet points can come into effect with the same hit).

Knowing that you start from the latter date for the refit cycle fixes my issue with it. If you started doing refits from the first launch date the ship would upgrade to be just as good mathematically as brand new ships instead of showing its age.

On reading it in detail you appear to be right - but it’s not as clear as I’d have liked!

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I thought that was how the UP rules worked, isn’t it? Everything has the same amount of points based on the year of launch, modified by scale. And then refits every 10 years. So a Miranda launched in 2264 that goes through the re-engineer will have the same points as a Miranda built from scratch in 2274. Right?

Yeah it makes sense. Its just inconsistent with how they handled the re-engineering of the Constitution and Excelsior classes. I’ll home brew a Connie post re-engineering and Excelsior post re-engineering and all will be right with the world.

If you get the shipping notification or the actual delivery, let us know! I’d be interested to know :slight_smile:

Just downloaded the 2E pdf. Aside from a few minor issues* everything seems fine so far. Having never played 1st, it’s hard for me to say if the slight changes in the ruleset are an improvement, but we shall see.

*I noticed, for example, that 2E has transposed the values for the Crisis and Emergency Response ship mission profile compared to 1E. This appears to be an error.

I got my physical book yesterday.

I’m proud to note that I’d house ruled Reputation rules because I felt they were counterintuitive and too harsh, and it seems Modiphius independently made the same changes! They actually went a bit further than I did, but still, it’s nice when the professionals have similar conclusions and fixes to you, once in a while.

That was intentional, to make a crisis ship a bit more flexible with Sciences rather than a stronger focus in Medicine.
Nothing stopping you from using the 1e version, of course!

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It is a much nicer system overall that they took from the Klingon book, but I do feel that there is a missed opportunity in removing the rank and responsibility portions of 1E’s system. I get that it wouldn’t work for a KDF game, but I think at least an option to use rank and responsibility as the ‘focus’ or ‘complication’ range instead of reputation or reprimands, or a requirement to choose whichever is worse for the character, would be a nice touch for Starfleet characters.

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