A conversation on another thread got me thinking about something I’d been meaning to table for discussion. Here was the exchange:
I think that, as Jim mentioned, if a player is coming up with a custom species of their own that almost all talents should be on the table as long as they have a logical (and not obviously entirely mechanical) reason for choosing said Traits.
I would also allow a character to take talents of another species if they are fitting. For example, I would allow a Klingon to take Proud and Honorable (Andorian) and a Denobulan to take Communal (Grazerite) or Peaceful Existence (Risian). Also, there are many species talents that are entirely character based, and in those instances, if the player has made a character whose personality is suited to one of those character-based talents, I would also allow that.
Now this (finally) brings me to what I actually want to discuss. Personally, I don’t like to use homebrew talents to make new species, especially when that species may later be introduced officially. Instead, I like to use existing talents handpicked from other official species’ to create them. I’ve included some examples where I was able to find talents that are fitting to them (that I would still allow a character of that species to have even if their species had their own talents to choose from). I included their 3 +1 Attributes in case anyone wants to use these as options in their campaign.
Aenar: Control, Insight, Reason (I think they’re too different from Andorians to use their Attributes)
Telepathy (Betazoid)
Communal (Grazerite)
Bynar: Control, Insight, Reason
Positronic brain (Soong-type Android)
R’uustai (Klingon)
El-Aurian: Insight, Presence, Reason
The long view (Edosian)
Open and insightful (Risian)
Gorn: Daring, Fitness, Reason
Hardened hide (Zaranite)
Stun resistance (Xindi-Reptilian)
Idanian: Control, Insight, Reason
Suspicious by nature (Cardassian)
Former initiate (Trill)
Jarada: Daring, Insight, Presence
The protocol of politics (Arbazan)
Cool under pressure (Arkarian)
Mizarian: Control, Insight, Presence
Peaceful existence (Risian)
Warm welcome (Bolian)
Nasat: Control, Insight, Reason
Chelon Shell (Rigellian Chelon)
Industrious mind (Rigellian Jelna)
Orion: Daring, Fitness, Presence
Deltan pheromones (Deltan)
Disarming nature (Caitian)
Reman: Daring, Fitness, Insight
Zenite in the soul (Ardanan)
Telepathic (Betazoid)
Retellian: Control, Daring, Fitness
Quick recovery (Arkarian)
Romulan: Control, Fitness, Reason
Suspicious by nature (Cardassian)
Hear all, trust nothing (Ferengi)
Takaran: Control, Fitness, Reason
Stun resistance (Xindi-Reptilian)
Brak’lul (Klingon)
Vissian: Control, Insight, Presence
Regimented mind (Cardassian)
Industrious mind (Rigellian Jelna)
Obviously in several instances the talent will need to be renamed, but doing it this way affords you further species options without having to use homebrew talents. Of course, if you like homebrew talents, there’s nothing wrong with that, but I figured the others that don’t might enjoy this method.