I have had a very little running 2d20 (Star-Trek) a while back. The game died on the vine before session 0 - preference of the group’s SCI-FI game taste nothing against the game itself.
However, a few weeks ago one of the guys got one of the Dune boxed sets, and that got me interested in playing running it too. I got the Dune PDF and have been reading and re-reading it over the last 2 weeks.
Then my daughters asked what it was about and I explained it. Then I had to explain Dune itself, and then had to explain what I meant when I said things like Machiavellian Byzantine and duplicitous double dealing in the Houses etc. Surprisingly, that interested them and now I will be running a face to face game with them and a couple of other players during their school’s Christmas break.
Honestly I think I understand the feel of the rules better in Dune than I did in Star Trek, so that is good! However, I do not completely gork the rules yet.
This might be getting into the weeds a little more than needed, but it is how my mind works.
(oh yeah an assumption for my game that is counter to Dune so far, the WILL NOT be anywhere near Arakasis nor will they be interacting with Atridies & Harkonian - it is a huge setting and there is SO much more out there, and being a history guy there is even more I can pull into the game - Guelphs v Ghibellines, Medici v every other Floratien family & all of them against the Chompi and all of them against Lucca Seina etc, England and … heck almost anything from English history )
Now the questions:
A player wants to track someone through (insert exotic alien planet setting) What skill is that ? or said player wants to hide their tracks as they leave their crashed ornithopter ???
A spy is watching a room trying to pick out the movers and shakers behind the scene, or listening to the scattered conversations to pick up juicy bit for blackmail fodder later, What skill(s) would be involved ???
PCs (or my NPCs) walking into a Zone that is the X on an ambush. What would they use to notice it ??? Battle is my first thought, but then Understand could work …
That gives a good general types of questions I need help with on skills
Now, assets - specifically weapons
What exactly would a masterwork qualify blade (say with a quality of +1) do in the combat?
Losing a combat conflict v being stuck and bleeding like a pig. I understand the mechanic of defeat in a combat, and that defeat isn’t necessarily ‘injured and bleeding out’, but if the opponents are all using knives and swords etc, shouldn’t there be more of a risk for true injury than me spending the DM threat to give the PC an injured trait or using a complication for it?
Oh yeah improvised weapons talent, Ok so the PC/NPC can generate a set of brass knuckles, a shiv, a bottle, a chair leg club etc as a weapon for free. So how is that better than a character just using their fists ???
Now a GM scene threat question, is there any rule for specific opponents being used adding to the GM’s threat pool just for them being there?
I can see a standard group of House soldiers having normal by the book threat. However have a team of 4-5 Sardaukar be the soldiers the PCs are having to face off with. Shouldn’t the DM have more threat just for them being the feared Sardaukar ? If so, how much more?
That should cover the worst of the questions I have so far