Page 145:
Minions can add 1 Threat in per test, monsters can add Threat equal to their menace rating, and villains can add Threat equal to their lowest attribute.
Does this rule apply to buying dice for combat rolls, or only for combat Momentum spends?
I believe if u remit to the Threat rules, you’ll find exactly yr answer there. (AFTBRN)
Ah ok. I made a mistake. The full text is as follows:
When a narrator character generates addi-tional Momentum with success. The narra-tor can place Threat into the pool instead of enhancing the result. Minions can add 1 Threat in per test, monsters can add Threat equal to their menace rating, and villains can add Threat equal to their lowest attribute.
Therefore, it pertains only to the limit of Threats that can be added to the pools. Not the spending of Threats themselves.