Not in the book

So how long can a character hold their breath? A perk can double the amount of time, but I can’t find anything in the book. In the meantime I am using the formula of Endurance x 10 seconds. If anyone knows the correct info, or can point to right place in the book I would appreciate it.

Sorry the late response to this post, but I’ve just joined and I know the pain of yelling into the void and receiving no response.

I think your formula is reasonable. I’ve just now held my breath for 60 seconds, and assuming I’ve a near-average Endurance, 10 seconds per point of endurance seems fine. There are people who can hold their breath longer, but they’ve metaphorically taken the perk.

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Hi im have a question about Injury for Mr.Handy and others
Yesterday me and my few friends we have starting playing first sesion of Fallout. We make all steps in character creation. But when we the players have first combat,we all make okey. But then they players travler buy from marshland and im have tell what hazard and complication they can meet.
So the leader the group they make a navigation skill test,and he faild so im make that they travelr almost day,in the time they was ambush buy five mole rat. And one of the players he was mad on me that what im make a some Hazard things and other stuff,but okey so we make a another combat we the mole rat and all was okey,but one of the players how play a Mr.Handy. He take a few damage and about the rules he take Injury to,but in roll20 Character sheet how play a this type character and we cant found this and we can found rule if robots take injure ? And im was see that in this sheet they dont have about radiason dmg wher the players can note this.

So my question it is wher is write about injury for robots ? Or the robots can take injury and critic hits?
And wher buy the rules in character sheet players can write about radiation dmg.
Thans for answer or aid me.

Hi I am very late to the party having only just brought the RPG books and stuff, and planning to run a session with some friends. :partying_face:
Your calculation seems very reasonable, and with no confirmation of any other interpretation I’ll be using your option in my sessions :+1: