March Painting Hang out - Raiders Plastic Sets (Pack, Operators, Disciples

Hi there!

For the Painting Hangout Stream this March Callum and I will be showing off the Raiders plastic sprues for Factions and Wasteland Warfare. We’ll be live at 5pm on Friday the 1st of March at

We’re going to go back to basics and start right at the beginning, deciding on what weapons we want our models to have, clipping them from the sprue, assembling them and getting them ready to paint.

This is something we’ve had a few requests for, so it’ll be interesting to go through!

Now, you may have noticed there are three factions, and just two of me and Callum. So, if you head to Discord, you’ll be able to vote on which ones you want us to work on!

We might cover some other set up and prep tips, so if you’ve got any questions or things you want us to go through, let us know!

As always, if you have stuff you’ve been working on you want to share, upload your pics to the Fallout painting channel on the official Modiphius Discord. Plus, if you’re not already a member of the Discord - join us!

Cheers, and see you on the 1st of March!
