Love for TOS Trek?

“Need” is so over-rated. Make it and I will buy. Need is irrelevant. :smiley:


Are there any plans to release a TOS sourcebook?

No plans for series books, though I do want to do era sourcebooks or one big book that has the three key eras covered in it (ENT, TOS, TNG/DS9/VOY). It’s on the wishlist anyway.

I think the risk of doing five series books is that the less popular series just won’t sell. Grouping the series into one or two era books may work better. TBD, anyway.


Is there any way, maybe as a pdf, you could take an episode and dissect it as a scenario - how you could run that story in your own game, and to illustrate the rules for new players/GMs (“Fixing the transporter to beam Kirk off the Constellation before it explodes definitely requires 5 successes. Obviously Scotty’s player is spending Momentum to buy extra dice here!”)

A TMP-ST:VI era Sourcebook would be nice too.

I’d leave that to a fan to do–maybe the fine folks over at Continuing Mission. Many of the rules examples in the core book reference specific events from specific episodes, though.

If I had my druthers, I’d lump that period into TOS.

I would go for this as well. There are always tidbits of information that could be useful to you even if you focus on just one era.

And yes, it makes sense to fold the movies over into their respective eras.

It would make it a very long era to fold it into TOS, but I figured that would be what would happen. I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with a short bit at the end of the TOS book.

In time period, but not really in terms of canon events and themes. Other than ship and uniform designs, plus the various events chronicled in the movies, there’s not that much difference between 2266 and 2293…

Not necessarily. Three sections, 2100s for ENT era, 2200s for TOS era, 2300s for TNG/DS9/VOY era.

I guess in my head I’m thinking of the whole era of the monster maroons as part of the “TOS Movie” era. If you’re covering the start of the period with those uniforms in the TOS Sourcebook and the later part in the TNG/DS9/VOY Sourcebook, that would be very nice!

IDEALLY I’d go with the following sourcebooks

Dawn of the Federation: Enterprise Era
2200s-2270 - TOS and Disocvery Era (this is ideally meaning they’d get permission to work with that era)
2270-2310 - motion Picture Era
2360s-2380* - TNG era

possiably with a 5th era book to cover the “lost era”

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Understand that there likely won’t be a Discovery or Picard addition to the books as they are still in production. That means that week to week, new canon stuff is added. If Modiphius had a monthly magazine that could provide updates then you could possibly see it.

What are all the books which have the TOS-style interior layout? I got Hard Rock Catastrophe and would like to buy more like that. Beautiful!

Strange New Worlds. Depending on the era the mission was designed to take place in the layout changes. Enterprise era has one and TOS era has 4.

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Cool! Anything else?

I can imagine that the TOS standalone-adventures are designed that way. I do not know for sure, though, 'cause I only bought TNG adventures as that is more my cup of tea (in my defense: I’m very young. :slight_smile: ).

The TOS era PDF’s as well.

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The TOS missions in Strange New Worlds, all the TOS-era standalone adventures in PDF, and the Original Series characters PDF.

Adjacent–there is an ENT-era adventure in Strange New Worlds with an ENT-era layout–first time we used that one.

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Okay, I think I got it, here are all the TOS-branded materials Modiphius offers:

U.S.S. Lexington Campaign

  1. Adrift
  2. Abyss Station
  3. Fury of the Hive
  4. Bacchus’ Irresistible Call
  5. “We Came Forth…”
  6. Simplicity
  7. Punishment and Crime

Standalone Missions

  1. Remnants
  2. A Forest Apart
  3. Hard Rock Catastrophe

Strange New Worlds: Mission Compendium, Volume 2

  1. Plato’s Cave
  2. Drawing Deeply from the Well
  3. No Good Deed
  4. The Whole of the Law


  1. The Original Series Player Characters
  2. Tribble Player Character
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