I am writing a DISCO era game set in 2257 at the end of the Klingon War. I’m curious to see who else is!


I’ve always wanted to do a game with a season during the Four Years War, a season during the Cold War, and a season soon after the Organians imposed their treaty. The Discovery version of the Klingon War would work for the first chapter.

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That’s what I am doing, focusing on the developing Cold War between the Federation and the Empire. I am writing the episodes with the Klingons as a foil rather than just 4 color villains. Similar to pre war Dominion. Lots of diplomacy and intrigue.

Great idea! Is anyone making a Picard era campaign.

Hello all, I am BRAND NEW to these boards and for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to post a new Topic…so apologies in advance for a bit a of threadjack…but before I do that…

I really like your idea…and while I haven’t seen Discovery yet, I’m hoping to binge watch it in the near future as TOS as always been my favorite era and I personally rather HATE what they did to Klingons in the New Generation and beyond era…with a few exceptions (I LOVED Martok from DS9…and to me Kor will ALWAYS be the epitome of a Klingon, not some howling, snarling, eating worms nonsense…but I digress)…

My question is this: Does anyone know if there is a list (preferably a bundle I could buy somewhere like Drivethru RPG or here) of Adventures set only in the TOS era? I see all these bundles of adventures, but they are a mix of adventures from all different eras and while I could utilize some DS9 adventures for the RPG campaign I have in mind, TNG and Voyager and Dominion War kind of adventures really don’t fit all that well.


The adventures we’ve published so far that were intended for TOS include:

Standalone PDFs available on DTRPG and
Hard Rock Catastrophe
A Forest Apart

Contained within These are the Voyages
A World with a Bluer Sun

Contained within Strange New Worlds
Plato’s Cave
Drawing Deeply from the Well
No Good Deed
Whole of the Law

The entire TOS-era half of the living campaign

All of the other adventures we’ve published include guidance on how to adapt it for use in other eras, including TOS, so with a little work, almost any adventure can be adapted to TOS.


I’m running a game on Roll20 that takes place in 2268. The crew is on an old TOS-style Miranda class ship that’s on pathfinding duty on the western edge of the Federation, and the main thing for now is that they are the ship that makes first contact with the Tzenkethi. It’s been fun so far! My crew is a veritable zoo, though; not a human PC in the bunch. Caitians, Denobulans, Efrosians, Tellerites, even an El Aurian and a half-Vulcan, half-Deltan character. But they all enjoy it and it’s been fun so far.


I’m running a Klingon game set concurrently with TOS.

They’ve run into Commodore Decker and the Constellation; met the Romulan Commander from “Enterprise Incident.

In the most recent adventure, they were forced to cooperate with the crew of the Enterprise after a rival Klingon house raided Richard Daystrom’s research lab, stole one of his failed pre-M5 computers, and installed it aboard one of their D-7 battle cruisers where, predictably, it went rogue and declared war on the Federation.

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I’m running a game in 2273, not Discovery, but found the Discovery Campaign Guide to be very helpful. The Federation-Klingon War also helpful, but not to the same degree. Both provided additional guidance for the time period. Perhaps the most helpful for me is the Rules Digest, which was written for TOS, slightly after Discovery.

I’ve started in 2255… with a fourth Crossfield, USS Félicette, named after France’s first cat in space… (Unlike Laika, Félicette was recovered alive… they did euthanize and necropsy her 60 days later…)
They’re doing sensor testbed duty, around Starbase 11. I figure the Commodore just made admiral as of late Feb 2255. (He dies in the upcoming war.)

I opened with a variation on Adrift - Tholian border, breakdown trigger was a cosmic string fragment. Last week. Set in Mid Feb 2255.

I fired up a Trek game after S2 of *Discovery * set six months after the war. Half the players were vets who have been promoted quickly due to attrition, half (the ones that knew not much about the setting) were new grads from the academy. The triumvirate of “leads” – the captain (GMPC), XO, and ship’s doctor all served together and had a number of close calls, lost friends, etc. together. The FNGs spent the first two seasons climbing the ladder to lieutenant and more important positions.

There were a few overarching points: Starfleet is stretched thin and keeping ships that were supposed to be mothballed in operation. (They started on a Walker and moved to a Cardenas.) The docks are pumping out new ships as fast as they can, but repairing is taking precedence to keep up fleet strength. There’s a lot of new and young commodores and admirals, commanders and young captains running ships. (Our skipper was – until Kirk – the youngest to have the rank of captain, but had been in the center seat for the last year of the war.) The OPTEMPO is so high that workmanship has suffered; they had several adventures where “repairs” failed due to improper parts and the like. There’s also no real support; you’re the only ship in the sector.

There’s a lot of war profiteering going on as Orions, Malurians, and Coridanites are salvaging materiel from both sides and selling it, or using it. You never know if that Klingon ship is Klingon or Orion. There’s a lot of rebuilding colonies destroyed or trying to get colonies back into the fold. (Trying to capture the S1 TOS feel where no one wanted Starfleet showing up. Some felt abandoned in the war, some are independents that want to go it alone.) The Orions have been the main antagonists.

I did keep some of the elements of the Klingons from Disco: I kept the eating your enemy aspect – it’s not uncommon in warrior cultures on Earth and it’s scary as hell. It’s showing respect to the enemy and absorbing their spirit, yadda yadda. I liked the gothic-looking ships once I saw them in the Eaglemoss releases; they looked alien and much better than on screen.

Their superior was Fleet Captain Garth (pre going insane), who had been their captain until he was snagged up for the general staff plans to end the war. We’ve seen Matt Decker, Pike, and Garrovick.

A lot of the missions as they progressed moved to first or second contact and trying to expand the Federation as quickly as they can. Many of the character beats deal with PTSD and survivor guilt.