Yep, I have read the theoretical fate of the planet but it was just in case they manage a différent end
I have done the toolkit scénario, mixed with signals as the first scenario, so décision point is my second one
I plan to do all the 3 ships scenario with one ship as long as possible
I’am proud of my group, they are great, and even if they are very unlucky it’s always fun (in decision point they encountered the ravine of doom in the cave (4 players falls into a ravine on a 20 , even one is a 20 re-roll 20) they finally prevail
Since they know that Romulian are interested in planet artifacts they managed that the planet asked for protection, in a similar way of bajor
there are my questions:
the group ends with 2 “so crazy that it might work” solutions:
to teleport lemurians on the next planet, with teleporter relays, signal enhancers all over the way
store lemurians in teleporter buffer and found another planet
The first one seems easier that the second but the 2 seems possible to me. What do you think?
from memory I don’t think it matters what the players do with regard to the planet. The population is of course a completely different matter.
I also ran the LC as one ship, but skipped a couple of the adventures I didn’t like and either transplanted some important information, or had another local shop find it and report back. Definitely doable, and definitely works.
Depending on how you run transporters, both your scenarios could work, but they should be difficult checks/extended tasks. Both seem like they would need drastic modifications to the tech, especially given the environment of Shackleton (be careful with negating the given solution to “transporters solve all”). But its Star Trek, so why not?
If they do help, have you decided how to present the consequences of effectively breaching the prime directive? This is a path my group didn’t take so interested to hear how it goes. I know you mention Bajor, but the bajorans were warp capable.
Having not played through the LC myself, I don’t know how many Lemurians you’re trying to move or how far, but…
Assuming the next planet is less than 300 billion km away, then the first option would work if the players modified the transporter to subspace transport the Lemurians instead (see the Subspace Transporter page on Memory Alpha).
I’d be reluctant to say that they could manage it with signal enhancers, because the distance to the next planet is likely to be many multiples of the maximum transporter range (max transporter range is 40,000 km by the 24th century, but adjacent planets can be separated by 10s of millions to 100s of millions of km). A useful thing to compare it with might be fibre-optic telecoms. Using amplifiers to boost the signal only works for so long, before you distort it to the point where you have to pass it through a repeater. This reads off the information on the optical pulse that’s coming in, removes the distortion, and writes the information onto a fresh optical pulse going out. I could see transporters working in a similar way. You can use signal enhancers up to a point, but eventually you’re going to have to rematerialise the transportee at a waypoint before their transporter pattern reaches a level of distortion that can’t be compensated for.
The second solution is definitely possible. It would need the players to modify the transporters like Scotty did, at the risk of the Lemurian patterns degrading if anything goes wrong (see the Pattern Buffer page on Memory Alpha). I guess the main downside is that there are limits on how many people you can store at once though, so not great if you’re wanting to move more than a few Lemurians at a time. Pattern buffers can be expanded to store up to a few dozen occupants, but there are safety implications, which may or may not be compounded by the risks associated with turning a pattern buffer into a long-term storage system.
I know thar bajoran were warp capable, but lemurian are peaceful, with a world government, and with the arrival of the scientists aware of other worlds. With the presence of artifacts they are a prey for Romulians (and Orions). They have argued that their destruction is due to an advanced civilisation, surely warp able, and because of this a protection is somewhat possible. They decided to do it kirk’s way, aplogies later.
For the teleport signal:
Starts at lemurian planet at a temporary teleport base
probes with signal amplifier and maybe small shuttles for a more active amplification
some rematerializations in Danube shuttle at 1/4 of the travel (since the ship has extensive shuttle bay)
probes with signal amplifier and maybe small shuttles for a more active amplification
some rematerializations in Ship at 1/2 of the travel
probes with signal amplifier, and maybe small shuttles for a more active amplification
some rematerializations in Danube shuttle 2 at 3/4 of the travel
probes with signal amplifier and maybe small shuttles for a more active amplification
rematerialisaton on the other planet
Will also include a cryptographic protection to make it more discreet and focused, to lower detection by romulians
May also include a teleporter customization for danube
All the shuttles, size 1 and 2 and ship should include backup teleportation buffer for possible re-emission in case of problems.
Second in command: Vulcan (Plan of Action, Cautious Command), specialist of Romulians
Ship Councillor: Betazoid (Empathy, Cautious Command, Bargain) negociator, medic (since there’s no doctor on the group
Head Flight Controller Human (Spirit of Discovery, Cautious Conn, Veteran) pilot and starter of momentum pump
Head Security Officer Human (Cautious Security) fighter, ship weapon operator and diplomat (yes), trait with romulian cryptography gained on previous scenario after a 10 success roll (1 determination + 4 critical) and some renown expense
Tellarite Head Engineer (Incisive Scrutiny, Intense Scrutiny, Testing a Theory, Theory into Practice) Tranporter and replicator specialist
PNJ: Trill Science Offcer (Joined, Technical Expertise, In the Nick of Time, Rapid Analysis), my own player if someone other than me becomes GM one day. Ancient artefact, sensors and symbion specialist
PNJ: Captain Human Veteran (took no role on present session)
Supplemental Crew (sometimes played by a player, most of thee time the flight controller):
Ardanan Geologist (Zenite at the Core since it was his second scenario)
2 securty Humans (second scenario but no role on this session)
Total session time: 3h (for evacuation plan was the only goal of this session)
Initial State:
Since the Tesla Guys were impossible to convince to give up, and very dangerous if left there they decided to help them to minimize impact
The lemurians issue an official demand to the Federation for protection. The group helped to prepare a proper demand (but they do not send it, since they knew, it will take too long to be accepted, they accepted it)
The next planet is at 40 000 000 km and teleporter range is 40 000 km
I have used threat a lot on previous session (they were quite unlucky and encounter a lot of hazards but finally prevailed. My threat plle was not as huge as it was but many options remain.
They discussed the plan quite a lot. Once established the xco used Plan of Action.
I have decided to use Threat as soon as a 20 was rolled since a lot of rolls were planned. Spoiler: on all the rolls, only 1 was a 20 (which was re-roll). Most of the dices were below 15, at least one, most of the time at 2, on each roll were below 5 (they never re-roll successes it was natural crits). A unusual number of 1 and 2 were rolled. Even if most had Cautious, very few re-rolls. No rolls under 4 success, most of the time far more (and don’t forget Plan of Action).
The plan was a gated challenge. On any faillure have decided that it would signified less lemurians.
Councellor: study lemurian biology, the bioflters were updated to avoid illness on the new planet. The study of their biology also permit to know what they need on the new planet
The enginneer disigned the basic teleported unit. A sealed box, that can serve as house, an air recycler (just in case something go wrong) with 20 lemurians in each, each with one insigna, one backpak. He designed the danube teleport option and also the main teleporter modification to allow the teleport of a massive object. Why a box, a backpack and one insigna to find them in data and help signal retrival
Explore the other planet. Pilot, Security, Science, Botanist, Securty Engineer. Found a big island un-explored and away. Found a stable mountain with geothermic power. Study local illness,a vaccination program was planned.
Build start and end stations on each planet: Complication: found a complementary power source. Councillor: Planet mobilisatiion on one side. Geothermy on the other
With one ship it was doomed to fail since it had to be fast.
4a) Councillor and Trill Science officier as help the scientists call some friends. They use an advantage generated to keep it secret and avoid Orion slavers doing their market: 3 more ships
4b)XCO: call Vulcan Science and allow access to artifacts (they made a great recording and a holo simulation on previous session to prove things)
4c) XCO, security officer, with captain approval and a contact from the Shanashoa from previous scenario. Convinced the 2 other ships from starbase to come also (they convinced them that artifacts needed to be studied, and since the ship is here help evacuation)
design of the Pony Express Teleport probe: Engineer made a wonderful device, that can handle several boxes at a time and use few energy: need a rematerialization 3 times on 2 danubes and 1 big ship between each 300 relays
Additional work: Science officer: The trill take the subspace speciality and lowers subspace perturbations of the intense teleportation channel
Additional work: XCO, Security an additional level of encription to make it focused, discreet and very very dificult for romulian to intercept (on 1d20 for help the security help has done a 1 again)
Mass production of the probe. Complication: Since eneergy is limited the synthetiiser can’t producee all matter. Councillor: Planet gives minerals so less energy needed.
deployment of the probes. Trivial. Teleport probe 1. One in place Teleport probe 2 via probe 1, and so on
synthetise basic materials on target planet. Food is enough on place chosen. They will abandon most of their technology to minimize impact on target planet
install special teleporter modifications on arrived ships, including a critical unexpected social success from the enginner on an un cooperative Vulcan Captain complication
teleport Lemurians. A 1 month mission. Some time devoted to artifact room study. Councillor: some reassuring
dismantle the teleport bases and probes (some where kept on ship)
Recieve the lemurian Hero of the People Medal for those who gain enough reputation 2 points. Have to determine what it does. Of course no starfleet medal and no starfleet reputation increase above 4.
I’m working on a Season 3 for the Living Campaign, with the Borg attacking Tilikaal and using it as a command post for an invasion of the Romulan Empire.
One of my player, an undercover Section 31 operative, yes… He has met her, discovered who she is and helped her, the klingons were saved, and covered her leads and the Starfleet Medical Officer Natalie Sigmund returns safely to Starfleet Medical. But this part of the campaign is on hold waiting the shakleton expanse book.
I replaced her with Stoleman from the kobayashi maru which was our sessions 0 (a flashback to the academy days). He ended up getting picked up and indoctrinated by section 31.
So the Shakelton Expanse book is a reprinting of those adventures? What about new material? Finally, it is September 1st, 2021 and still no book. Can you give us a clue when it will release?
Is it even fall, yet? I mean… astronomically speaking (and this is about space, right?) fall does not begin before equinox and that’s still 22 days to go.
Modiphus said in another post that the range for a release date could range from October-March next depending on logistics. Hopefully they can get the Shackleton Expanse and TOS Tricorder out near the beginning of that range.
There’s also a Q&A in the video around the 30:45 mark that asks about the Expanse book.
The book is 312 pages and includes all of the living campaign content, though most of it was revised to better fit the overall campaign guide structure and the full campaign. Four of the adventures were revised and included in the book along with 6 new full length adventures, and most of the other LC missions were revised into the one-page mission briefs format. Lots of new content added for the Expanse, NPCs, starships, worlds. new PC species. etc.
Digital release is coming soon, with print release to follow once the global shipping nightmares sort themselves out. Modiphius has very little control over print delivery atm.