Haha, ok so still figuring out the forum but i figured this would be the correct topic to be posting this question on.
So i was running the Quantronic Heat Adventure for my operatives and something came up that i wasn’t sure how to rule. Not sure if the following is a spoiler so im’a blur the following for ya’ll.
A particular scene in Quantronic Heat (pg7) suggested that the hostile Hacker would attempt to attack the pc’s and try a breach effect to ‘Tag’ the players.
Now what i did was i did was ask the player to give me an observation test, and quietly compared it to my stealth test of the hacker as not to tip off the player something was amiss should he fail.
The hacker was successful and i carried out the attack, burning some heat for damage to ensure a breach and then tag it and kept it quiet till one of the players who was the groups nominated hacker man caught on to something and swept every ones gear and noticed the program and had the attacked player reset his comlog.
Now in hindsight i am not sure i came at this correctly. I mean if someone took any amount of firewall damage do you notify the player, so they can mark it down so they know they are down one breach and missing stress.
But if the purpose of the attack is to be subtle do you keep note of it yourself and spring it on them later like “actually now you notice your firewall has taken a hit” ect. Then again what about the players geist, surely they would know something is amiss and warn the operator.
Edit: Ok so after thumbing though topics and such, i came across a insightful topic about hacking, and the pro’s of using a hacking tool over basic hacking. And what the breach effect does and the potential for it. However the hacker nemesis in question only has Brain blast, and Black out. So ultimately my question remains, how was i meant to tag a player without them knowing?.
Edit v2: Also i had another question, its both mechanical and lore derived. So my second question is this. Is there a day to day expenses that the players need concern themselves with?. Now i understand that Aleph has things running smoothly (Nomads claim otherwise) But have they reached a point paying for food/accommodation/flight is trivial?. Or do you make use of their cash flow?.
And following on from that, if your playing up the Bureau Noir side of things. Do they offer to cover funds and equipment?. I mean if their goal is to avoid a code infinity why are they not kitting out operatives to best ensure that the calamity is avoided?. Do they have safe houses around the system for players to hole up in ect?.
I mean i see the Bureau Noir as like the equivalent of the U.N having a CIA Branch (if i have the wrong idea let me know) That said how far does their influence spread, can the players make demands from mega corps or other factions if they feel justified in their actions to see mission success just because they are part of the bureau and have it complied?.
And so on, Thus i would love to get some input or clarification for future reference~!.
All the best.