How much do you guys tell the players about Group 5 at start? And how do you portray them?
I haven’t read it at all, hoping to get to play that campaign, not GM it
Well I’m starting the Dark Symmetry campaign as GM tonight, hope it goes well. Feel well prepared for a hectic first session
How did your first session go?
We start the main campaign in an hour-ish. I am excited!!!
I think it went really well, 2 of the 3 players were new to the 2D20 system, so it took some time to explain the basics. We started with mess that is shopping equipment, but once they had a chance to figure it out, every one had fun.
Spoiler Warning !!!
We played the 2 first call out from Dispatch, I even gave Dispatcher 7 eh " sexy female" voice for about 2 sentences (I’m a man in my late 40’s with a deep baritone voice), i kinda gave up on it after that.
The struggled some with the Buildbot 2000, but came out on top.
All in all, we had fun.
Thats the same results i had