Form Fillable version of the character sheets pdf?

The character sheets look great but for additional ease when not printing out, would it be possible to have one which can be filled in on PC, tablet etc.

i came here looking for one as well. i dont have a printer right now and would love to just fiddle around with one but am not very tech savey

It’s fan made, but it’s pretty good Triple_M’s character sheet


I added form fillable sections to the official character sheet (it also totals your carry weight for you), but I’m not sure if there are any rules against sharing it? Anyone know?

I wouldnt think so as their site advertises the free CS

I made these:

The sheet calculates your Max HP and Initiative. It also totals up your carried weight (including the weapons section so you don’t need to list weapons there and in the gear section).

I hope folks find them useful :slight_smile:


Very nice. I like the font you chose. keeps things thematic. The Robot sheet wasn’t calculating up the totals for me, but i was also using on mobile atm, so it could be attributed to that.

One gripe: For the inventory, text resizing is not enabled, so you have that pesky annoyance with items that move to a second line getting cut off.

Over all very good! thanks for the share! :star_struck:

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Nice sheets thanks everyone

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New we just need form fillable NPC sheets.

Those might need to be a web based so you can add standard text blocks as needed.

the Robot sheet wasn’t calculating up the totals for me, but i was also using on mobile atm

it was, in fact, due to running it on mobile. Sheets worked like a charm

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I appreciate the feedback.
The inventory fields were supposed to convert to a scrollable field rather than resizing when the entry gets too big (sheets are made for old people eyes. lol). It might not be working, but easy fix. Resizing is probably better for people who like to print them, though.

The inventory fields were supposed to convert to a scrollable field rather than resizing

Okay So it was by intent. In that case it worked well. I personally will always build forms at work with resizing,( mostly cuz all our forms are handled digitally and them old peeps can zoom screen if they need to read lol).

But again really helped with a playtest a ran with some players.

I still think the biggest issue is that the Modiphius sheet doesn’t have better player tracking sections, like hunger/thirst/disease/injuries and honestly a tracker for junk and Components

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I’m going to fiddle with auto text sizing for the gear list this weekend since the utility will be better for those who choose to print. I’ll update if I do.

I agree with your issue concerning the official sheet. It also needs a spot for Rarity which seems to get referenced often enough to warrant it. Something to track known recipes, too. I might just add some “survival” pages (food, crafting, etc) to the official sheet so maybe I’ll have a v2.0 in the future.

I’d asked their support about this, and the official ones that are downloadable from the website should be done and released around next week iirc.


did they release an offical fillable one yet? if not ive made one but its not great quality but ive made a couple in the past.

Love these, one question. My grouped leveled up and we can’t seem to edit the max hp! Do you have a design I’m missing? Editing the level on the sheet doesn’t seem to do it…

These are great Thanks!!! Just wondering why in Origins you put “Vault Kid” and not “Vault Dweller”?

Hey there! 3 years later, I’m looking forward to starting a Fallout campaign with my friends and came across your comment. The idea is amazing, but the links are broken. Could you please provide new links, if it’s not too much to ask? Thank you!

I would also be very interested in a form fillable PDF character sheet.