FAQ and Errata Thread

My opinion? I think that Adrenaline Rush doesn’t trigger from radiation. When Radiation lowers your Max HP, that’s your new Max HP. You would still have to be lower than that Max HP to trigger the perk.

Think about it in the opposite. If a character with 10 END and 5 Luck (normally 15 HP) takes the Life Giver perk, their new Max HP is 25. Does that mean they have to lose 11 health to trigger Adrenaline Rush? Or a Well Rested Character who downs some Buffout gains +5 Max HP. Does this mean they have to lose 6 HP to trigger the perk?

Radiation is supposed to be a penalty, not a benefit. It shouldn’t trigger Adrenaline Rush because there’s no “Absolute Maximum”, there’s just your current Max HP.


I’m interested in the official rules, but I would let it activate the perk.

though Goblinbat does pose some great questions as to how it would work in other situations.

Edit: The more I think about it and read the Core Book, the more I would lean toward not letting radiation activate the perk. There are two other damage types that affect HP, and walking through a path of irradiated wasteland would mean this perk is almost always activated. Seems to me that if radiation damage activated the perk it would be a super “easy” way to have a 10 STR at all times. :man_shrugging: :thinking:


Super Mutants
p. 78 says that Super Mutant Skirmishers get a Heavy Bolt-Action Rifle. There’s no Heavy mod.

p. 53, the Super mutant Trait says “You can only wear armor which has been made to fit a super mutant.” This should be more clear, as only the section under raider armor says that Super Mutants can only wear raider armor, and it’s pretty hidden away.

Also, Fallout nerd lore and pure opinion incoming:
Super Mutants should be immune to disease. There’s a couple mentions of it in the fallout games that they are immune to disease, and if they aren’t, a lot of mutants in the Commonwealth would just die from terrible eating habits (people mostly), drinking dirty water, not sleeping in beds, ect.


The robots that mention having the self-destruct ability never say what how much damage it’s supposed to do when they activate it. I know I can just pick an explosive from the explosives section that seems appropriate. But this feels like the NPC sheets for robots are missing some info.

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The Assaultron and Protectron both list the Self Destruct (under attacks) but the Sentry Bot does not. They both do 6CD Physical Blast using Body+Guns, stands to reason the Sentry Bot would be the same but it’s definitely missing.


Under the inventory heading for the Super Mutant (page 367 specifically), it lists Wealth 1 as part of the inventory - Yet, I have not seen what this pertains to. Is there some clarification on what “Wealth X” is or means mechanically? Have I overlooked something in my read-through of the rulebook?

Also - to clarify the loot table: If a PC is looting a safe, and finds ammo, how is the final total calculated using the combat dice? For example, if a PC finds 10mm ammo in a safe, if using the loot table, they would find 8+4Combat Dice rounds. What role does the “effect” result on the combat dice have when it comes to looting? Is it a case that the “effect” result simply counts as a 3? When using combat dice in this manner, are they finding 0, 1, 2, or 3 extra rounds per combat dice?


Hi, i have a question about Hunter perk. Does it work only on mutated lizards, mutated mammals, mutated insects or works against lizards, mammals, insects, and all others with mutated keyword. We have a problem with this sentence which explains it. Thanks for an answer.

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On page 136 (Armour Mods) it appears that you have missed some of the armour mods mentioned on page 212 (Armour crafting). I can’t find details on p136 regarding the following mods: Lighter build, Pocketed, Deep Pocketed, Ultra light build etc and how they mod the armour. It’s possible I may have missed them but I thought you may wish to know about it.

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As written it has to have both Mammal, Lizard or Insect and Mutated.

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For the combat dice, unless it says Effects do a thing then they’re treated as a “1”. So for ammo etc. I’ve been doing it as 1,2,0,0,1,1

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Wealth X on an NPC is simply the number of d20s rolled to determine how many caps they have on them. This is described on page 335, but could probably be clearer.

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Thanks for the answer mate. Yeah, I completely missed that in my first couple of readings through the book.

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Ah - it’s listed as Caps on page 335 and Wealth in the NPC writeups which is why my Ctrl-F was so confused :slight_smile:


Thank You Grendel. The question is why Hunter perk doesn’t work on not mutated animals likes dogs, or on mirelurks or radscorpion.

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The starter set is a product still in development, and will be released later in the line’s calendar.


reductions to difficulties are usually 1 by default, so this is 1.


Thanks for clearing that up. I hope there isn’t going to be anything in the starter set which forces us to “re-buy” stuff to access it…?

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So “Once upon a time in the commonwealth” is a part of the starter set?

Are the people who preordered going to have access to this adventure or do we have to buy that separately?

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Oh, dang. They sure do. I just missed it. Thanks, Grendel!

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    “Some creatures in the wasteland may have other body parts—wings, claws, and tails—that do not appear on the hit location table. These locations will be listed in the creature’s statistics, replacing the Hit Locations table with its own.”

There are a lots of non-humanoid creature in the book, but different hit locations only mentioned at pg. 54 for PC Mr. Handy. Not even at NPC Mr. Handy.

  • Mister Handy and Mister Gutsy NPCs have “Reach C” with their melee attacks (Pincer, Buzzsaw). There is no similar statement at Mister Handy PC section.

  • Synth are immune to Fear, while their mind is more human-like, while the program-following military robots like a Assaultrons, Sentry Bots and Turrets are not. Seems a little illogical.

  • pg. 373 ; 374 ; 375 ; 376 ; 395; “INSITITUE LASER”; shall be Institute Laser, 2 typo: extra I between INS and TI, missing T between U & E

  • Many times in the NPC section the description say : “X CD Piercing 1 Energy damage” or “X CD Piercing 1 Physical damage”. Without comma it could be confusing. “X CD, Piercing 1, Energy damage” and “X CD, Piercing 1, Physical damage” would be much better.

pg. 339 Bloodbug

  • It has no IMMUNE TO POISON special ability, but Poison DR say it is immune. Either should have the special ability or Poison DR should be 0 (or more)
  • “PROBOSCIS: BODY + Melee (TN 9)” ; Body 6, Melee 1, TN should be 7

pg. 340 Bloatfly

  • Description say : “these creatures attack from a distance using their own dart-spined larvae launched from their abdomen”
    But their only attack “LARVE DART” seems like a melee attack, they have no ranged attack, not even a Close Range reach.

pg. 341 Brahmin

  • “HEADBUTT: BODY + Melee (TN 6)” ; Body 6, Melee 1, TN should be 7

pg. 342 Deathclaw

  • “SLAM: BODY + Melee (TN 6)” ; Body 9, Melee 5, TN should be 14
  • “HEAVY OBJECT: BODY + Guns (TN 9)” ; As pg. 336 say: “Guns is for all attacks with firearms, energy weapons, explosives, and throwing weapons. If a creature has a Guns rating of –, it cannot make ranged attacks at all.” As Deathclaw using heavy objects as throwing weapons, Guns rating should be 0 to them and not –

pg. 345 Mirelurk

  • Level 7 creature, should be 52 XP

pg. 345 Mirelurk Hunter

  • “PINCERS: BODY + Melee (TN 14)” ; Body 8, Melee 5, TN should be 13

pg. 346 Mirelurk Queen

  • ACID SPRAY damage, The P of Piercing printed to the Combat Dice symbol (210408 version). A few extra space character would be appropriate there.

pg. 349 Mutant Hound

  • As Level 4 Normal creature, Body + Mind should be 10 (8+2). So the Initiative 10 is correct. But it has Body 9 and Mind 5 which has a total sum of 14. Based on Bite TN and HP it should have a Body 6, but in this case the Mind must be 4 to fit for the total of 10.
  • “BITE: BODY + Melee (TN 9)”; Body 9, Melee 3, TN should be 12 (or Body must be reduced to 6)

pg. 351 Radscorpion

  • Level 7 creature, should be 52 XP
  • “CLAW: BODY + Melee (TN 11)”; Body 7, Melee 5, TN should be 12
  • “STING: BODY + Melee (TN 11)”; Body 7, Melee 5, TN should be 12

pg. 352 Radstag

  • Level 5 creature’s Body + Mind should be 11 (Base 8 + halved level 3), as like the Initiative. It has only 10

pg. 353 Stingwing

  • Initiative should be 11 (Body 6 + Mind 5), it is only 1.
  • Why does if have a Defense 3 ? Should be probably 2.

pg. 355 Feral Ghoul

  • Level 3 creature, should be 24 XP

pg. 356 Glowing One

  • Initiative should be 13 (Body 8 + Mind 5)
  • HP should be 17 (Body 8 + Level 9)
  • “UNARMED: BODY + Melee (TN 12)”; Body 8, Melee 5, TN should be 13

pg. 359 Eyebot

  • HP should be 6 (Body 5 + Level 2/2)

pg. 360 Mr. Handy

  • As Notable character the summarum of SPECIAL stats should be 45 (42 + 6/2). It has only 40
  • As Notable character the summarum of Skill points should be 19 (3x2 Tag + Intelligence 7 + Level 6). It has only 13

pg. 362 Mr. Gutsy

  • “PINCER: STR + Melee (TN 10)”; Str 6, Melee 3, TN should be 9
  • “10MM AUTO PISTOL: AGI + Small Guns (TN 10)”; Agi 7, Small Guns 4, TN should be 11
  • “FLAMER: AGI + Energy Weapons (TN 10)”; Agi 7, Energy Weapons 4, TN should be 11
  • As Notable character the summarum of SPECIAL stats should be 46 (42 + 7/2, rounded up). It has only 40
  • As Notable character the summarum of Skill points should be 20 (3x2 Tag + Intelligence 7 + Level 7). It has only 13

pg. 363 Protectron

  • “ARM LASERS: BODY + Melee (TN 7)”, should be BODY + Guns (TN 7)

pg. 365 Sentry Bot

  • “MISSILE LAUNCHER: BODY + Melee (TN 14)”, Should be Guns with TN 15

pg. 368 Super Mutant Behemoth

  • “BOULDER THROW: Body + Guns (TN 12)”; As pg. 336 say: “Guns is for all attacks with firearms, energy weapons, explosives, and throwing weapons. If a creature has a Guns rating of –, it cannot make ranged attacks at all.” As Super Mutant Behemoth boulders as throwing weapons, Guns rating should be 0 to them and not –
  • “MISSILE LAUNCHER: BODY + Melee (TN 14)”; Should be Guns… which is “–” for him… with 0 would be TN 12 as like the Boulder Throw…
  • All of the Super Mutants gain “BARBARIAN” special ability, except Behemoth. Intentionaly of just forgotten?

pg. 368 Super Mutant Brute

  • Only one skill marked as Tag skill, while should be two.

pg. 369 Super Mutant Master

  • “MINIGUN: STR + Big Guns (TN 13)”; Str 10, Big Guns 1, TN should be 11
  • “MISSILE LAUNCHER: END + Big Guns (TN 11)”; End 8, Big Guns 1, TN should be 9
  • As Notable character the summarum of Skill points should be 22 (3x2 Tag + Intelligence 6 + Level 10). It has only 13.
  • Only two skills marked as Tag skill, while should be three.
  • As Notable character it should have 3 Luck Points

pg. 371 Super Mutant Suicider

  • “BARBARIAN: +2 to Physical and Energy damage resistances (included).” Suicider have only STR 8, so based on the Barbarian Perk they should gain only +1 resistance.
  • Carry Weight should be 230 (150 + 8x10)
  • “UNARMED STRIKE…4 Combat Dice Physical damage”. As it has a +1 Melee Bonus only it should be 3.

pg. 373 Synth

  • As Level 4 Normal creature, Body + Mind should be 10 (8+2), Initiative as well.

pg. 374 Synth Courser

  • As Notable character it should have 3 TAG skill, marked 4.
  • Why does if have a Defense 2 ? Should be probably 1.
  • “UNARMED STRIKE: …2 Combat Dice Physical damage”, with the +1 Melee Bonus it should be 3.

pg. 376 Synth Trooper

  • Level 16 creature, should be 116 XP

pg. 378 Machine Gun Turret MK V

  • Body + Mind should be 15 as like the initiative. It is 14 now.

pg. 382 Elder

  • As Major character the summarum of Skill points should be 26 (4x2 Tag + Intelligence 8 + Level 10). It has 27
  • As Major character it should have 4 TAG skills. Only 3 marked.
  • As Major character it should have a Luck Points of 7.
  • With Strength 7 the Melee Bonus should be +1.
  • “UNARMED STRIKE: …2 Combat Dice Physical damage”. With Strength 7 it should be 3.

pg. 383 Knight

  • Carry Weight should be 210 (150 + 6x10)

pg. 384 Paladin

  • “IMPROVED LONG LASER RIFLE: AGI + Energy Weapons (TN 11)”; Agi 6, Energy Weapons 4, TN should be 10

pg. 385 Scribe

  • “UNARMED STRIKE… 5 Combat Dice Physical damage”; Neither high Strength, nor weapon, other item, ability justifies the high unarmed damage. Probably should be 2
  • As Normal character the summarum of Skill points should be 15 (2x2 Tag + Intelligence 7 + Level 4). It has 16

pg. 385 Lancer

  • “UNARMED STRIKE… 5 Combat Dice Physical damage”; Neither high Strength, nor weapon, other item, ability justifies the high unarmed damage. Probably should be 2

pg. 386 Raider

  • Carry Weight should be 210 (150 + 6x10)

pg. 387 Raider Boss

  • As Major character, the initiative should be 21 (4 + Per 9 + Agi 8)
  • Carry Weight should be 230 (150 + 8x10)

pg. 388 Raider Psycho

  • “MOLOTOV COCKTAIL: PER + Explosives (TN 7)”; Per 6, no Explosives among the skills, so probably 0, TN should be 6.
  • Carry Weight should be 220 (150 + 7x10)

pg. 389 Raider Scavver

  • As a Level 7 character, should be 52 XP

pg. 390 Raider Veteran

  • As a Notable character it should have 3 TAG skills. Only 2 marked.
  • Carry Weight should be 220 (150 + 7x10)

pg. 391 Children of Atom

  • As Normal character the summarum of SPECIAL stats should be 38 (35 + 6/2). It has 39
  • As a Normal character it should have 2 TAG skills. Only 1 marked.
  • It should have 12 HP (End 6 + Level 6)

pg. 392 Gunner

  • “UNARMED: … 4 Combat Dice Physical damage”; Neither high Strength, nor weapon, other item, ability justifies the high unarmed damage. Probably should be 2

pg. 393 Mercenary

  • As a Normal character it should have 2 TAG skills. 3 marked.
  • As a Normal character the summarum of Skill points should be 15 (2x2 Tag + Intelligence 5 + Level 6). It has 14 only.
  • “DOUBLE-BARRELLED SHOTGUN: AGI + Small Guns (TN 8)”; Agi 6, Small Guns 3, TN should be 9
  • “MOLOTOV COCKTAIL: PER + Explosives (TN 7)”; Per 6, no Explosives among the skills, so probably 0, TN should be 6. Or add Explosives 1 to the skill list.

pg. 393 Minuteman

  • Level 7 character, should be 52 XP
  • “UNARMED: … 3 Combat Dice Physical damage”; Neither high Strength, nor weapon, other item, ability justifies the high unarmed damage. Probably should be 2

pg. 394 Railroad Agent

  • Level 7 character, should be 52 XP

pg. 394 Institute Scientist

  • Level 7 character, should be 52 XP
  • As a Normal character the summarum of Skill points should be 19 (2x2 Tag + Intelligence 8 + Level 7). It has 18 only.

pg. 394 Minuteman

  • “UNARMED STRIKE… 3 Combat Dice Physical damage”; Neither high Strength, nor weapon, other item, ability justifies the high unarmed damage. Probably should be 2

pg. 395 Institute Scientist

  • As a Normal character, the initiative should be 13 (Per 8 + Agi 5)
  • “INSITITUE LASER: AGI + Energy Weapons (TN 10)”; Agi 5, Energy Weapons 2, TN should be 7

pg. 396 Trader/Caravan Merchant

  • “MOLOTOV COCKTAIL: PER + Explosives (TN 7)”; Per 6, no Explosives among the skills, so probably 0, TN should be 6.

pg. 396 Vault Dweller

  • As a Normal character, the initiative should be 12 (Per 6 + Agi 6)
  • “UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 7), 3 Combat Dice Physical damage”; Str 5, Unarmed 1, TN should be 6; Neither high Strength, nor weapon, other item, ability justifies the higher unarmed damage. Probably should be 2

pg. 397 Wastelander

  • As a Normal character the summarum of SPECIAL stats should be 36 (35 + 1/2). It has 39
  • It should have 9 HP (End 7 + Level 2)
  • As a Normal character, the initiative should be 12 (Per 6 + Agi 6)
  • “UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 6)”; Str 7, Unarmed 1, TN should be 8
  • “MACHETE: STR + Melee Weapons (TN 7)”; Str 7, Melee 2, TN should be 9
  • Carry Weight should be 220 (150 + 7x10)
  • With Strength 7 the Melee Bonus should be +1.
  • “UNARMED STRIKE: …2 Combat Dice Physical damage”. With Strength 7 it should be 3.
  • “MACHETE: … 3 Combat Dice Piercing 1 Physical damage”. With Strength 7 it should be 4.

pg. 398 Zetan (Alien)

  • Level 8 creature, should be 60 XP