FAQ and Errata Thread

A supermutant may only wear Raider style armor that has been specifically made to fit their bulk.

Just to ■■■■ off players you could however represent highly upgraded raider armor with a piece of power armor. One that can not be repaired to fit a PA frame anymore.

Question about Effects:

If a shotgun has Vicious and Spread, does an effect activate both? If you roll two effects, are each ability triggered for each effect?

Monsters and piercing damage:

For PC weapons, piercing quality lists how much piercing a given attack has, but several monsters have attacks that say they do piercing damage, but don’t specify how much they pierce. Do we assume Piercing 1?

Yes, if no rating is listed for a damage effect which should have one, such as Piercing, assume that the rating is 1.

thank you Nathan, do you have an answer about my question about the power armor table? Is the weight and caps swapped (because the frame costing 4500 caps makes mroe sense than it weighing 4500lbs)? If they are swapped, why are T-60 pieces more expense than the better, rarer, experimental X-01?

The ones that don’t say a Level requirement I take are meant to be available at L1 and they only have one Rank. Any others with several Ranks available show Ln+ in the requirements except for Armorer.

You do not allocate effect rolls. So yes a single effect die activates multiple damage effects.

Rolling multiple effects on the CD depends on the damage effects the weapon has. Spread and burst hit multiple targets or locations based on the number of effects rolled. Vicious is extra damage per effect rolled. So rolling 2 effects would (in your example) add two damage and hit two additional locations.

In case anyone else is wondering, Modiphus has partially answered my e-mail about this. They have verified the columns are swapped. They have not answered about why the less rare, less good, armor is more expensive though

So Modiphus has responded to my e-mail and said:

“Super-mutants can only wear Raider armour, which represents the improvised armour that super mutants typically wear”

So I guess what I would like to know is how they get said armor. Do you have to loot it off other supermutants, or is there a way to mod regular raider armor to fit a super mutant, or make suepr mutant raider armor from scratch? There are no such rules in the book.

You’re overcomplicating things here by assuming that it should be specifically modded or crafted. Look at the armour super-mutants actually wear in the games: it’s rags, lengths of chain, sheet metal bent roughly into shape, and so forth. There’s not much “modding” or “crafting” involved.

Similarly, raider armour in the games is essentially junk roughly assembled into a suit of armour.

Any item of raider armour can be worn by a super-mutant. It doesn’t require special crafting or modding: a super mutant character will find some way to make it fit, by brute force if need be.

The intial plan was for a dedicated set of super-mutant armour… but it was a waste of page space to include, as it provided basically the same protection as raider armour and differed only in terms of size.

Thank you for the clarification Nathan. I have also heard back that the power armor table weight and caps columns should be switched. Do you have any insight as to why the T-60 power armor pieces cost so much more than any others, including the rarer x-01 armor that also has better stats?

Hello Modiphius Team.
I am a new guy here, but I very like your game. I am also a huge fan of Fallout Universe for many years. I have read a Core Rulebook (I think so, the latest version, after an April Errata) and I have a TWO questions:

  1. Prices (of any kind of stuff). What logic is behind it? In my opinion they are nonsense. Example: Firearm or Armor upgrade (some of) is cheaper than one portion of food (sic!)? It is especially weird when you look at Power Armor (it’s it hi-tech, it should be expensive. Count at least, in tons of Caps).

  2. “Bestiary” (Chapter Ten). I’ve noticed quite many discrepancies there. Example_1: Mirelurk Hunter (p.345) has pincers attack: Body+Melee (TN 14) where it has Body=8 and Melee=5, so shouldn’t be a TN 13? Example_2: Assaultron (p.357) has laser attack: Body+Guns (and it’s correct in mu opinion), but Protectron (p.363) has his laser attack based on Body+Melee (sic!). I have found much more similar “typos”. This is valid and I cannot see something? Or maybe they are a typos and bugs? And should be fix? Please, explain it to me.

I will be very thankful for any feedback.

If you follow the guidelines on how to stat your “enemies,” you will find that most statblocks are wrong. I suggest that you calculate how many points the enemy should have, and rework the needed statblock. That works best if you like me prepare statblocks beforehand, though, and I know not many does that :man_shrugging:

If you build an NPC they generally end up much better than the pre-made ones :frowning:

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@TheLostSoul @Grendel Guys, I am aware of it and I do it - building my own NPC or adjusting these ones from Core Rulebook. But, thank you very much for these useful tips.
My question was what Modi Team think about these issues and if they gonna do something with it.

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As a tip - when leveling up NPCs - give them a perk or two. It really changes things up a bit and makes them a more viable threat/antagonist. In lieu of extensive lists of Special Abilities I give a Perk or two depending on level and it makes a huge difference.


They do end up a bit more powerful - I will admit that. I do not think it makes that much of a difference. Admittedly - I have only run the game for four of five sessions, so I am still in the early learning fase.

I find the game runs nice, despite its issues.

It does. I find that the advancement via RAW is super, super fast since there’s nothing about dividing the XP among the characters. Given how little XP is needed to go up a level - only 2000 to go from level 19 to 20 and level 19 enemies are worth 137 that’s 14 basic enemies over an entire level. Completing a minor quest at level 19 is worth 3800xp.

Advancement via XP is actually too fast and when my current game ends and I start another one I’ll be addressing that for sure.

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I think its supposed to be fast. It mimics the feeling of playing the video games, in which you level fast. I think just splitting the XP among the party like other TTRPGs is a fair way to slow it down though

I use milestones leveling, clean simple and paced to the story. XP is great, and I would divide if if it was used, but I don’t need more math.