I’ve got the fallout warfare bug and want to purchase a few bits however the modiphius online shop seems to be sold out of most things especially the stuff that’s sold exclusively on their online shop.
Will modiphus replenish their stock levels or perhaps allow retailers to start selling the scenery and creatures etc.
I’m under the impression that the line is selling much better than they anticipated (I figure this is a good thing in the long run, if it’s popular, they’re more likely to create lots of new goodies for it.) They restock regularly, but a lot of items sell out quickly each time. My suggestion would be to either check back regularly, or look elsewhere online. You find surprisingly good deals on Ebay sometimes, Miniature Market stocks Wasteland Warfare, but it is hit and miss what they actually have. For the exclusives, directly from Modiphius is probably the most reliable way to find them.
I’d reckon that once the raiders are out that there will be a major replenish early september
your best bet is to grab what you can and get the rest when it’s back in stock, also gives time to paint
It sells out pretty fast. If you are desperate/lucky you can look for independent stockists locally. Otherwise you can purchase from Amazon, the Bethesda store and the like. Scenery and creatures are (I assume) less popular and are kept in minimal stock for direct order only. Best thing to do is just wait patiently.